Friday, November 12, 2021

Popcorn Balls: Easy, Delicious

And they are. 

The Mama enjoys making these for holidays...but especially for trick-or-treaters. Sadly, she wasn't able to accomplish that this year, so I promised to make a batch. That perked her right up.

I got to eat some that way, too. LOVE popcorn balls, though I sometimes have to fight a cousin or two for them. Or the Brick. Or the girlies. The greedy cusses.

Here's the recipe -- now you know how simple these are!


*one batch of popped popcorn (about 4 cups, with unpopped kernels picked out)

*one bag marshmallows

*1/2 cup (1 stick) butter

*waxed paper -- or freezer paper -- plastic wrap works, too

    Melt the butter and marshmallows together until bubbling. (Mixture can burn, so keep stirring and keep the temperature low. It won't take long.)

     Pour the mixture over the popcorn and stir together -- quickly. 

Have squares of waxed paper ready. Drop a fist-sized lump of popcorn on top, then mold into a ball while wrapping the paper around it. Set the wrapped ball aside, and start another. Keep going until the popcorn is gone. (You can also do this with buttered hands and no paper -- but it can be sticky business. The paper makes it easier to store, as well.)

And that's it.

Results: about 10 popcorn balls. Also some luscious bits leftover in the pan -- property of the popcorn ball-maker! This recipe can be doubled -- tripled, it's difficult to manage before the mixture begins hardening.

Some of our family will do almost anything for a warm, sweet popcorn ball. (I might, too.)

For more popcorn treats, go to the companion blog Holiday Goodies -- a great recipe for caramel corn is there. 

Save some for me. 

More popcorn recipes -- Click here.

Bonus: Weird History:

Sac City, Iowa is home to a previous world's largest popcorn ball, which weighs 3,100 pounds and is housed in its own building.[16] A new popcorn ball was created in 2009, weighing 5,060 pounds.[17] On June 18, 2016 volunteers assembled another possible record breaking ball weighing in at 9,370 pounds.[18]

So there you go.

            Thanks, Wikipedia.

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