Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Veterans Day Freebies

 November 11, Veterans Day, is on a Thursday this year! If you have a military veteran in your home -- or are one yourself -- there are plenty of ways to take advantage of that status during the holiday.

Some restaurants are offering free meals; many others are giving 50% discounts on regular food items. 

Go here for some --

And here for more.

Other benefits include free haircuts -- or if you don't need one now, you can get a free coupon for future trims. 

As I've mentioned before, the Brick comes from a military family. His dad and middle brother were career Navy, and Big Brother spent his career in the Air Force. The Brick himself is a 'black sheep:' he only put in six years in the Navy. One of his stops was working for the fast-attack submarine Batfish. (That, Gentle Readers, is why I often feature submarine-based info on the Monday Stuff columns...and we watch every single movie mentioning subs that comes down the pike. Bubbleheads bubble.)

                           The USS Batfish, commissioned in 1972, long since retired

And of all things, we both need haircuts! 

If he's amenable, we'll begin the day with breakfast -- then a stop at Great Clips. A visit to The Mama's rehab facility will follow, then lunch or an early supper before we head home. 

It's a kind and generous way to say thank you to veterans of all ages, sexes and backgrounds for their sacrifice and service.

Thank you.


Jeannie said...

Tell your husband I said, "Thank you for his service."
And thank you to his family for supporting him.


Cindy Brick said...

I told him...and he looked bashful (but pleased).

Thanks for writing.

Nadine said...

Bubbleheads bubble! I'd never heard that before. Hope your Veterans Day activities are enjoyed. I ditto the "Thank you for your husband's service and your support of him."

Cindy Brick said...

Submariners definitely are a different breed...

thank you, Nadine. That's very kind of you. Thanks for writing.

P.S. You should see him get all tensed up during crisis scenes on a submarine movie! I can see him mentally reliving his time on the Batfish every time he does it. (And yes, at one point they almost sank. He's never forgotten it.)


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.