Sunday, November 7, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Maintaining

 Starting our second month in Michigan, hanging out in The Mama's barnyard and visiting her most days in the rehab center where she is recovering. (Those That Know say she'll be able to return to her care facility around the 16th.) The doctors STILL don't know what's causing her problems -- so they're just treating the symptoms. We think this is more than a bit frustrating -- but at least she is feeling some better. 

     A bout of flu meant the Brick and I traded turns going to visit her, depending on who felt 'well' at the moment. We're both improving, too.

     The fall colors are starting to fade, and a bout of heavy wind took out many of the leaves, as well. Typical November. 


The pandemic travel ban has been lifted for visitors to the U.S.  Borders are now open for Canada and Mexico, and international flights are open.  (But will they require proof of vaccination...)

A very interesting sum-up of recent election results.    Compare this to CNN's report on the same subject.   (Here, too.)

Stumping for McAuliffe in Norfolk on October 29, Vice President Kamala Harris said: "What happens in Virginia will, in large part, determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on."

Will she regret that she predicted this?

If you've got more money than you planned, at this point...should you feel obligated to spend it?  (Don't miss the funny bit on how Warren Buffett cuts back. From Millenial Revolution)

Disappearing-people-and-places experiences.  We felt a little this way about our trip to Hoover.

The Vinland map -- 15th century, or a fake drawn with modern ink? The surprising answer.

Famous art fakes... or are they?    (More here, if you're curious.)

Do eagles swim? Apparently... yes.

President Biden makes an indelible impression on Prince Charles' consort.  I suppose we should be proud. (And make jokes about cutting methane gasses and/or increasing hot air?)

Some very weird (and fascinating) abandoned places.

Early films saved -- because they were salvaged from an Iowa basement during a 1981 estate sale.

The quilt world's prizewinners from 1993 -- and the AQS show then. 

A look back at the year's garden.  (This one's the Alaskan version. Thanks, Donna Freedman.)

 Compare this to Jeannie's account of her October garden in her Get Me to the Country blog. (Or her September garden...)

Tokyo's giant billboard cat --

There have been some wonderful images using this electronic billboard -- including the USS Enterprise!

Marie Antoinette's diamond bracelets, plus a diamond bangle given to Wallis Simpson by her royal husband, are up for auction. Will go for just a few pennies each, no doubt.

Daredevils who dared -- and lost their lives, as a result.

What actually happened to Laika, the first dog in space -- versus what we were told.

Mug cake mix -- use it now, or make it as a gift.

A white rhino -- with his horn hacked off by poachers. Heartbreaking.

The nicest rescue pet photos... both Charley and Ruby, our wonder dogs, were rescues.

An illuminating Millionaire Interview...on the value of hard work, regular saving -- and giving back.

What's the strangest thing you've seen a diner attempt, to get out of paying for their meal? Thank you, Quora.

Grandma's apple cake. Otherwise known as apfelkuchen

Have a good week.


Jeannie said...

Thank you for the reference to my blog but, oh my! It is an honor but also a challenge. I am being compared to another gardener! One in Alaska with 24 hours of sunlight for six months of the year (an exaggeration, I know). My heart is racing! Who will win the "best garden in the world" blue ribbon? Will my bragging rights be stripped away? Oh, the pressure to be perfect on social media is beginning to creep into my soul.

Cindy Brick said...

Okay, Jeannie -- I laughed!

Better your competition than this pathetic 'gardener,' who is going to buy a blooming kale plant today. So I can have 'flowers' inside -- and clip them for soup, too. The Hollander's dream veggie.

I LOVE watching your garden! (I'm a Scooter fan, too.) Thanks so much for writing. May the best (wo)man win.

Jeannie said...

Dear Ms. Cindy,
Thank you for being a loyal fan. I do deserve the adulation. Feel free to fawn and worship me all you want: bacon-flavored doggie treats will be accepted as bribes.
Your loving idol,

Cindy Brick said...

Dear Scooter,
It's not just our mom. We admire you, too...but we show our adoration by thinking fondly of you while we scarf down your bacon-flavored doggie treats. (We show our respect by burping afterwards. Hope you like that extra mark of devotion.)

Your loving fans (arf!),
Charley and Ruby


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.