Friday, November 19, 2021

A Shoutout to Southwest Airlines -- and Updates

      Southwest Airlines has one of its major hubs in Denver, at Colorado's Denver International Airport (DIA). 

             (image from we heart

     We've used Southwest for ages, for some very basic reasons:

            *With care, we find some very good bargain tickets.

            *It has a lot of flights all over the country that connect to DIA. (the closest airport when we're home)

             *It flies to Florida, and connects to Mexican flights:  Our two favorite getaways in the winter.

             *It has a connecting flight not only to Chicago, but Grand Rapids...closest airport to The Mama's farm.

              And finally:

              *Free luggage! You can bring on not only a carryon bag, but TWO free suitcases. 

That, Dear Readers, can save you a bunch, considering most airlines charge $25 a bag -- both ways. You can end up paying as much, or more, for luggage than you do your own ticket.

       We've had good experiences with kind customer service people, both on and off the planes. And we had tickets purchased to come visit The Mama in early November. In Michigan.

     But thanks to The Mama's health emergency, we were already here! The Brick canceled our flights. (Southwest is very good about that, too.) BUT Southwest gives you credits, based on when you booked the flights, that must be used within a set period of time. Otherwise, they're gone.

     In our case, those credits had to be spent and air travel completed by mid-December.

     The Mama is better (see below)... but not well. There is no strong indication that she would have been that much better by December. If we were going to do our jobs here, we could not leave.

     We couldn't spend the credits on anyone else, either. (Another Southwest rule.)

     The Brick called Southwest and explained the situation. The customer service rep listened patiently, then said we could have the credits extended -- for a $100 penalty. Each. In our case, that would have eaten up a giant share of the money.

     Silence. We did not know what to do.

     The rep asked for my reservation number. A few minutes went by. (He was obviously checking.) Then --

     "We're going to credit your card for the amount you spent. Look for it in 10 days."

     We couldn't thank him enough. He said, "My mom is in poor health, too, so I understand."

     Thank God. And thank you so much, Southwest!! Yet another reason for us to keep you as our favorite air provider.

  You're the best.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

UPDATES:  For those of you who have been following The Mama's health journey -- 

      I don't know how -- God's grace -- but she survived the emergency that brought us East. She spent two weeks in the hospital, then three weeks in rehab, learning how to walk, get up from the chair and take care of basics for herself. 

     This week Wednesday, we were able to move her back into the care facility.

      The same place she only spent a week in, before she was ambulanced to the hospital.

       She's not thrilled about it -- she would rather come home. But we cannot lift her and care for her the way she needs. This care facility is one of the best in the state, albeit a little expensive. But right now, at least, her frugal living -- and my dad's Hollander ways -- have given her enough savings to stay there for quite some time. 

     Until she's back on her feet -- literally -- we'll keep staying in the fifth wheel, parked in the farmyard. We can keep an eye on her house. We can keep an eye on her. The Brick, our stuff and the dogs are here. For now, we're ok. 

The Mama -- just before she really started feeling terrible

The hard part for me are the commitments I had to cancel... the holiday concerts and parties we'll miss... the holidays spent with the children we love so much. Yes, we can spend time with our family here, which is nice. But Colorado is our home. 

     We'll be here through the end of the year, then will take stock and decide what to do next. 

     Meanwhile, at least The Mama is doing better. Thank God.

Hopefully she'll get back to feeling more like this.


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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.