Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Found On A Windshield

“To Whom It May Concern,

As you can see from your bumper sitting on the ground, I backed up too fast.

I’m leaving you this note because there are witnesses and I am pretending to write down my insurance and contact info. Problem is, I have no insurance—Sucka!”

There was another note.

“I witnessed a kid in a truck hit your car. I wrote down his license plate number. My name and number is [edited for privacy].”

The judge was not amused."

As my girlies are fond of pointing out, karma can get you. 

For more of these great windshield notes, go here.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Monday Stuff On The Way to Other Stuff: Hanging On

     What a weird week! I can never remember a time when justices of the Supreme Court were jumped on, harassed and vilified -- even by the government supposed to protect and defend it. 

     Would this have happened if all nine members of the court were considered 'liberals?' Surely I can't be the only one sick and tired of all the labels slapped on people just doing their job...following the Constitution. Which does NOT include abortion as a "Constitutional right." That hasn't changed, no matter how many times politicians say it.) Would this hysteria have happened if they'd ALL voted the same way? 

* * * * * * * * * 

     Do the people making such a fuss realize how messed-up the 'heroine' of Roe vs Wade actually was? Have they read the story of the daughter she planned to abort...who lived, instead? 

     Norma McCorvey, 'Jane Roe,' never had a real relationship with her daughters, though her eldest continued to spend some time with her. Shelly Thornton, the daughter she planned to abort was adopted shortly after her birth. She did not find out about her birth mother until age 19, when reporters from the National Enquirer trapped her in a "media barrage." 

After the incident, Thornton said, she was able to speak on the phone to McCorvey for the first time. “It became apparent to me really quickly that the only reason why she wanted to reach out to me and find me was because she wanted to use me for publicity,” Thornton said.

“She didn’t deserve to meet me,” Thornton told ABC News...“She never did anything in her life to get that privilege back. She never expressed genuine feeling for me or genuine remorse for doing the things that she did, saying the things that she did over and over and over again. She wasn’t sorry, about giving me away or anything...it was a game. I was just a pawn, and I wasn't going to let her do it."

    * * * * * * * * * *

Black activists (and ABC News, sadly) are lamenting the fact that more black babies will be born now, even equating it to sentencing them to slavery. (This is ABC sanctioning this. Not Fox News, which some of my Gentle Readers love to hate -- and blame for everything.)

How do you respond to the stories of people who survived their mothers' attempts at aborting them? 

 And finally, do these hysterical protestors realize that abortion is still legal -- just that states control its access now? 

     If you're so worried about this, come to Colorado. Our current law provides for abortions right up to the moment of actual birth. Think of the possibilities...

P.S. After writing this, and the previous post, I feel I've said what I needed to. There's more I could say: the Bible's viewpoint on life before birth, for example. But at this point... why? Pro-lifers feel strongly about what they believe. Pro-abortion people feel the same. 

We can fight and rip each other apart -- or we can talk about the reasons why we approach this differently. I would rather do that. As I mentioned before, screaming, yelling and insults don't persuade anyone to change their mind. Neither does vandalism and setting clinics on fire. (Does this make it right in people's minds because it was a pregnancy crisis clinic -- and not an abortion clinic?)

So on life goes. 
P.S. Isn't it interesting that suddenly the word "woman" -- means just that?

In better news: The Colorado Avalanche won the Stanley Cup!

A gay biracial couple is suing for harassment and discrimination... if this is true, it's wrong, wrong, wrong. 

Another case of stolen valor... and faking cancer for funds. Pathetic.

"Revenge dressing" -- by Princess Diana.    Plus other interesting visual messages, using outfits. (Or so this fashion expert says.)

Have you gotten your income tax refund yet? 

"You are not the father" accounts.  One of these would make a great short story...

Did you ever wonder about Tanis...Indiana Jones' site for the Lost Ark? Yes, it's a real city. No, the Ark was probably never there...

Want to move into a floating city? South Korea's got one under construction -- and now the Maldives is beginning one, too.

Ryan Reynolds - not always the confident guy. 

"But as soon as that curtain opens – and this happens in my work a lot too – it's like this little guy takes over," Reynolds continued. "And he's like, 'I got this. You're cool.' I feel, like, my heart rate drop, and my breathing calm, and I just sort of go out and I'm this different person. And I leave that interview going, 'God, I'd love to be that guy!'"

Hey Buddy, I can relate -- except it's a "little farm girl" for me, and she's the bad guy. I have to tell her to shut up, so I can go on and do my work. 

An abandoned chateau in France -- what was inside.

Oops, guess those "sugar daddy" claims about Rep. Boebert might have been...mistaken. CNN is now echoing what the New York Post has been saying. (So apparently that means that NYP was right?) The Muckrackers PAC group that made the claims -- and they were bad -- now says they may have been wrong, and are willing to "apologize." Which will magically fix all the innuendo and damage those statements caused, obviously.

Wheeler [the group head] said the super PAC is “ready and willing” to defend its main claims in a legal fight, though he also said it is “not interested in a lawsuit” and does not believe its errors have been defamatory.

Oh really.

Now thaaaat's a big diamond -- especially finding it yourself!

Little things can make bad days better.  Especially when you're hurting. (From Poor Girl Eats Well)

Dems pause the Jan. 6 hearings to call for insurrection! This would be a lot funnier if it weren't almost ringing true.  (From the Babylon Bee)

The two Voyager craft will have some of their parts slowly shut down, in a bid to keep them going as long as possible. They're now in interstellar space -- and still sending back info.

Homemade teriyaki sauce. I could literally drink this stuff.  (From Kitchen Magpie)

Using UV light to help locate artifacts, including old cooking fire sites. 

"Trashed treasures." Including an update on the Marilyn Monroe dress worn by Kim Kardashian.

A $3.75 wedding dress from a thrift shop: "Perfection!"  Okay, she had it altered some.

A sad story of a 6-year-old deliberately set on fire by a bully... only it wasn't true. (What will his family do with the $600,000 they raised via GoFundMe?)

Some really heart-tugging Father's Day posts.  (I miss my Pa, and my father-in-law, very much.)

A wacky kidnap/hostage situation in Colorado. (I am probably more in tune with this than before, considering.)

Ten great movies about dads.  (I'd add the television series The Rifleman. Chuck Conners is an amazing single dad to his son.)

Hey, inflation's not Biden's or the guvment's fault -- it's the Federal Reserve! (I certainly think Biden & Co. helped a little, at least...so does, incidentally, the chairman of the Federal Reserve.)

Weird historical photos that make you wonder. (Warning: this is a slideshow -- it's going to take a while to get through.)

A side table -- made from your clothes hangers?!?  Wow.

Dealing with retaliation in the workplace.  (From Len Penzo)

A Peach Bellini -- 4 ingredients and a blender. Very refreshing.

Regional foods you can make yourself.    (Some great summer copycat recipes, too.)

Taking a frugal road trip.  (From Retire By 40)

Actors who just 'planted one on' their co-stars. 

Very funny resignation letters. (Well, if you're not their boss...)

An interesting way to tell which artist did what -- by looking at their paintings. Including:

"If all the men look like cow-eyed, curly-haired women, it's Caravvagio..."

See? And you didn't even have to major in art in school!

"What's the most powerful supernatural warning you've received?" Quora people hold forth. I strongly believe in listening to this inner (and, I believe, God-sent) warning. The times I haven't...I've regretted it.

Five things that could get your luggage searched if you're boarding a plane.

Have a good week. Let's ALL hang in there. 

The original poster - from Wikipedia



What can I say...you laugh, so you do not cry. Gotta do SOMETHING to keep going. 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

This Is Disgusting

     The level of hatred being expressed right now...is incredible. When was it okay for people to viciously brand others, depending on their viewpoints?? The protests, the riots...both sad and pathetic. Can't your strong feelings on these issues be communicated any other way, besides rudeness and violence? 

Of course it can. Do you really think that those who agree with the Supreme Court's recent decisions -- on both concealed weapons, and on Roe vs Wade -- will be suddenly persuaded to think otherwise, because you're screaming at them? Will trashing Supreme Court justices' homes and neighborhoods get them to say, "Oops, I changed my mind...they were right, after all." Really?!?

(Pro-lifers, do you think it will do the same, if you celebrate in faces and call them baby-killers?)

I am deeply and unashamedly pro-life. I cannot be otherwise, in part because of my faith, and because we have two wonderful daughters I love deeply. I knew they were alive and kicking long before they powered their way out. 

But abortions will still happen, regardless of the Supreme Court ruling. 

I live in a state (Colorado) where babies can be aborted UP TO THE MOMENT OF BIRTH. This seems incredible to me.

How do you feel about this? Would it be all right with you? In California, you don't even have to wait that long -- you can have the baby killed post-birth. 

Is that all right, too?

It seems like a very small step to the next idea -- euthanizing young children whose mothers have decided they don't want them anymore. If they're allowed to do this at birth... why not? A few months shouldn't make that much difference. 

BUT --

I have friends and loved ones who disagree with this. I am not willing to treat them with the contempt, ridicule and sneering condescension I am seeing in the media, including its star pupil, Facebook. Two wrongs do NOT make a right. 

Let's talk. Not ridicule. 

More soon.

Frugal Hits & Misses: June Report

     For anyone looking in on life this month, it probably seemed quiet. "Tranquil," one cousin called our photos -- only it wasn't. However, the situation causing much of the turmoil in our life has ended. (Sort of.) Which is a huge relief. I am very grateful for friends, cousins and a wonderful husband through all this. They've been such an encouragement.

     It's been very dry, incredibly windy and far hotter than we're used to, this time of year. We have been coping by slurping down iced coffee and lemonade, running fans and the air conditioning, and opening windows to the cool nighttime air. That's the wonderful thing about being close to the mountains -- you can be sweating during the day, but it cools right down after dusk. Ruby, with her thick fur, is especially grateful. (So are we.)

See what I mean? Looks peaceful, doesn't it.
 That grass is already starting to turn brown.

    The Brick kept our friends' grass cut, worked on maintenance jobs, and did some paperwork. I watered plants and weeded, washed windows, tidied up and did some work, as well, including appraisals and paperwork for The Mama's estate. What can you say -- we lead an exciting life. 

* * * * *

Weird stuff seems to be happening at Amazon. Its Warehouse Deals section for groceries (which I normally revel in) is either almost empty -- or crammed with deals that aren't that memorable. Or the prices veer from Really Great (rare) to Yawn --Slightly OK (much more common). What's going on?? 


(Some of these are from late May)

*Growing Updates: Helped Daughter#1 put in her garden, using seeds from Dollar Tree, as well as the packets I'd ordered online. Our greens are doing beautifully, thanks to the Brick finding (and installing) our friends' drip hoses...except for a huge mining kettle out front, used as a planter. Since no one was watering them while we were in Michigan, the luxurious batch of seedlings in the kettle from last month's plantings mostly died. The ones planted in the garden bed, on the other hand, did fine without watering -- go figure.  Some of the perennials I babied last year came back, too. (Whew) A few beans and zukes are also slowly growing. It gets hot out here, and we've only had a few drops of rain lately. Our last real soaker was May 31st. Careful watering is about the best I can do. It does help.

*Geraniums on the folks' grave, and in the urn by Grandma's grave. I moved the artificial flowers I'd left before to our uncles' and aunts' graves, instead. This was important to my mom I feel a sense of relief that I could help, thanks to our quickie trip to Michigan.

*Herbal pot: $14.99 (usually $34.99), brought home from Michigan. It has extra plants I'll gift to a friend, plus Daughter #1. I cut my first batch of pesto from it (for the freezer); we'll eat the next batch fresh.

*Some books and videos from the library's booksale room. Videos: $2 each. (They used to be $1. Sob) Books: $2 and $3 each. I can handle that. One memorable day, I visited just as they had a BOGO sale -- whoo hoo! Several videos, including Frozen, went in the shopping basket for our nieces and nephews.

     Also used some of my allowance to buy two volumes of Charles Dickens' letters on Ebay. (Free shipping). I bought more books with a 'buy 2, get 1 free' special: less than $10 each batch, also with free shipping.

*Buys from 'Sally,' Salvation Army in Boulder.  I just happened to visit on a hats/scarves/gloves sale day. Got some for presents, plus a lovely Indian silk scarf and a pair of fur-edged velvet gloves for myself, Downton Abbey-style. (Fann-say.) 

*The Rifleman -- a partial season's worth for the Brick's Father's Day present.

*Went to an international rugby tournament in Denver -- another Father's Day surprise! (And he was. Surprised.) Tickets were only $10, plus a couple bucks in fees. (Next time, we'll just pay at the door.) 

*A few giftcards arrived -- rebates on purchases like tires. The Brick checked my healthcare account: more than $250 on my debit card to spend!

*Got $10 off monthly by direct-paying our phone bill, instead of putting it on the (cancelled) credit card.

*Father's Day supper at Duke's Steakhouse, thanks to Daughter #2 and Son #1. (Thank you, Dears!) The leftovers made us two breakfasts, as well.

*Started shopping for the main Christmas presents we'll be giving the kids this year -- lots of parts! (Will explain this toward the end of the year.)

*Stayed home. A lot. Sometimes out of necessity,** sometimes to save. (Gas is still REALLY expensive around here.)

*Sirius FM -- yes, a luxury, but we love it -- from $22 to $6 monthly, just because the Brick asked!

*A REALLY good free movie on Youtube: The Great Raid. You'll find this docudrama on an incredible rescue from a Japanese POW camp in WWII very memorable. 

*Red Robin buys:  $10 in bonus cards, because I bought $50 in giftcards. (Gave one as an anniversary present - and kept one for ourselves.) Enjoyed their $10 special twice (burger, plus unlimited fries and drink). 

*No real grocery savings this month. A free couple of cucumbers from Safeway, and finally some $1.77 gallons of milk -- that's about it. I started to order from Amazon's Warehouse Deals -- then closed the page, and said forget it. (I was trying to 'work it' too hard.) I did get a few food items from AW for gift-giving.

*Ruby stayed with Son #1 and Daughter #2 during our Michigan trip. (Our granddog Karma kept her company.)

"Karma got extra, Mommm!"

*Tickets for Pirates of Penzance $27 each. (Actually cheap for a major performance.) Daughter #1 loves Gilbert & Sullivan as much as we do, so she and her partner will be going. (He said suspiciously, "Is this a musical?" Yep, Buddy. It is.)

*Some appraisals done, including updates.

*Library checkouts:  We indulged in more Doc Martin (Seasons 8 & 9). Two more wonderful movies seen: News of the World and American Underdog. But skip The Eternals, in my humble opinion -- far too long and, like Prometheus, too obsessed with its own Significance. (Too bad - the photography was beautiful. Some of the fights were fun, too.)

     I also went to see the new Downton Abbey movie with friends. (Senior discount) It was okay...I dozed off twice. My friends loved it. 

*Stocked up on cookies, cleaner, and a pair of flipflops for $1.25 each at Dollar Tree -- plus another pair of flipflops for Daughter #2.

*Rescued some stained clothes, by soaking and re-scrubbing them. Mended tears and a split in our pleather loungers with superglue. The Brick mended my sandal with same.

*A 'Midsomer' celebration at IKEA. Way less than the 'prancey' celebration the ad promised, but we got bags of cookies, fizzy pear juice...and a chance to be with our good friends. Plus some plates of Swedish meatballs for cheap, and four more bags of cookies thrown in for free before we left. 


*Renewed the truck license.  (sigh)

*No income tax refund. Yet. Weird, but not uncommon right now.

*Cleaned out both freezers. The basement one was my fault -- I put a gallon of milk in the door and it popped open the freezer slightly. (Facepalm) Fortunately, the stuff lost was mostly a few years old. Freezer #2 (in the fifth-wheel) just needed cleaning. Also a bunch of old, freezer-burned items needed to be tossed, along with a few refrigerator items. (Ruby 'rescued' a few meat items.) Shame on me. 

*Took friends out to a Japanese buffet to celebrate their anniversary -- our treat. (They're wonderful...it was a pleasure.)

*Paid full price for two antique postcards on Ebay.  Both are needed for a book on Michigan curiosities that I'm collecting for. I did get the seller to dial down the postage, at least.

Shorty's Monument - an odd WWI memorial smack dab in the middle
of Sparta, MI's main street. It didn't last long, however. 
(Cars kept narrowly missing it.)

*Rented a car for the Michigan trip. Airfare was incredible -- it would have cost us between $570-1200 EACH to fly. Actually the price for the rental vehicle was a 'hit:' $150/week (around $186 total), in part because we picked up the car in Denver, rather than DIA. (The Brick checked out all the possibilities. We didn't get the high mileage car we'd hoped for, but did okay, nonetheless.)

    It's no fun paying gas for ANYTHING now -- but we did get 5% back from Discover. And we definitely got better mileage than if we'd taken the truck. Not to mention:

*Drive shaft repairs are needed on the truck.** A bit more than $1200 -- IF the Brick installs it himself. Oh goody.

*Lost money in stocks. Bought some more, anyways. I truly believe they'll come back up -- some, at least. Now is the time to buy, if you're following Warren Buffet's advice to be 'greedy when others are afraid.' I use Robinhood, which NEVER charges a fee. Cool! Go here to find out more. 

*Flower, herb and vegetable plants: $235. Fortunately, several of these are perennials, so should come back next year. But WOW, these were expensive. (And I was not only careful in my choices, but bought them at Walmart! The Brick wasn't happy about the cost -- but they were for Daughter #1 and our friends here on the ranch. What can you do...)

*DEF purchases:  these are necessary for the truck, especially when pulling any weight. Markup, since we last purchased some 3-4 months ago: ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. Groceries are a similar markup around here, making me extremely suspicious when anyone announces there's no recession...

     Yep, there's no inflation. Ok, maybe a little...

*Michigan expenses, while we were there: food, flowers, gift cards, etc. 

*A box of fried chicken -- because I couldn't stand it any longer.  (You try craving the stuff!)

*Six months of insurance, paid all at once. Fees were saved, but DOUBLE OUCH.

And finally:   the Brick did NOT buy me  the amphibious drone I coveted! (Darn)

Here's last month's report.  June 2021's doings. And just for fun -- the 2018 report. (We'd just hosted Daughter #2 and Son #1's wedding that June ...zany.)

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Things I Don't Understand: The Grand Miscellany

 I love these...but they're starting to pile up in the files again. So in the interest of clearing away a bunch of Truly Weird Items That Don't Seem to Go With Anything Else, here are:

Things I REALLY Don't Understand. 

Think of it as a buffet, with lots of strange side dishes. And maybe some ketchup. 

(I checked the website -- and am sorry I did. It looks like a crime scene.)

Why not... we argue about everything else.

I guess that complements this 70s haircutting guide:

I knew guys in high school like Mr. Bowtie in the bottom row.

I used to substitute teach at the local high school. 
The halls would REEK with this stuff.
(In my day, it was Brut. I still don't like that smell.)

Serves the little brat right.

I found John Wayne in my bed once...visiting a friend who enjoyed 
collecting celebrity life-sized cutouts. (Thanks, Ami)

On to a murder of crows. (That's a group, by the way.)

I told you this was going to be a little weird...
Aardvarks named Clark??

And finally:

You wish.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

This Amazing America


More cool (and occasionally weird graphics here. (Thanks, Bored Panda.)

Free Tickets


Good for him!

We went to an Arlo Guthrie concert once. We were broke college students, but had managed to scrape together enough for 'picnic' admissions. (As in sitting on the ground outside the covered concert stage.)

    It started to rain. I wasn't moving -- we'd paid good money for those tickets! 

    Arlo, who was on song #2 or #3, paused. "What are you doing out in the rain??" he yelled. "Get in here!"  And the hundred or so fellow 'picnic' people cheered, poured into the stage area (the security people looking suitably panicked) and started filling in the empty seats.

     We did, too. It was great! 

 (Thank you for your kindness, Arlo. I've never forgotten it.)

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Dead-Beat And Plum Tuckered Out

...but getting better. 

    Ever since we got back from our six months away, we have been dealing with some inexplicable (and occasionally frightening) safety issues.

      Having a local bear (our neighbors call him 'Ralph') stop by to rummage through the dogfood bin hasn't helped matters. He can't get anything now -- the dogfood is stashed away. But Ruby's response, suddenly wide awake and snarling, tells us he's visiting now and then. 

     Fortunately, the end seems to be near. We hope. It would be nice to get back on an even keel... and be able to sleep more peacefully.

P.S. For you hockey fans out there -- The Colorado Avalanche just won Game #2 of the Stanley Cup Final. Keep it up, guys!

Easy to say...hard to do. But worth it.

"Get off the road -- we've got places to go!" The moment when climate activists stop traffic -- and the Italian drivers start it up again. 

Say it isn't so!  Paul McCartney just turned 80!?!  Leaves this in the dust, doesn't it?

So Tim Allen didn't get to voice Buzz Lightyear in the new movie...because he's "goofier?"

Stories removed from USA Today -- 23 of them -- because the reporter "fabricated quotes." !!! (She's resigned, by the way.) 

Products you can use 'wrong' -- and work better that way! This is a long read...but well worth it.

Hey, let's have Drag Queens EVERYWHERE!  Not just story hours and field trips to gay bars...I'm thinking coffee shops, gyms, high school football games, etc. Who's with me?

Why living in the desert is wonderful. Good for you non-Westerners to understand the appeal of doing this. 

Loan a one-of-a-kind Marilyn Monroe dress to a celebrity -- expect damage. Who's going to pay for its restoration? (Update: Ripley's Believe It Or Not, who loaned the dress, says it wasn't damaged.)

President Biden's speech to the AFL-CIO: 

    Here's what the Washington Post said. 

     And here's Fox's report on same.  (Check the New York Post's take in the next link.)

And Reuter's report.

      Was this the same speech???

America's economy -- what's the reality?  (Ten examples -- try not to wince too much.)

The Seven Sisters live oak tree, at least 700 and maybe 1200 years old, is up for sale. (Okay, maybe a house, too.)

"Help me. This is not my dad." Two young girls saved by churchgoers after one mouthed these words.

Some really weird stories behind the making of the Jurassic Park films. 

Depression Era meals that might be good on your table, too.  (Granted, some are a bit strange, although dandelion salad and Wacky Cake were both standards on my grandma's menu. Many others are still staples for the average American. This is long -- but fascinating.)

A beautiful wall treatment...using inexpensive lath. 

A dozen movie fights that lasted longer than they could have. Without noble gestures or sneaky tricks, that is.

Energy Secretary Granholm's pushing for ALL of us to convert to electric vehicles. And she doesn't have a financial stake in this. Nope, unh unh...unless you count the $1.6 million she invested in the industry. 

Will Ferrell and Chad Smith in a very funny drum-off. More cowbell, please!

Ten incredibly valuable treasures found.  Plus:

Ten incredibly valuable treasures found -- in the ocean!

Three Oscar-winners who rejected their awards.

Korean ground beef. No fancy ingredients, either... I found this, thanks to My Tireless Retirement.

Pressure-canning beef stew. Send a jar to me! (Colorado's high altitudes mess with canning -- pressure canning is necessary, because you have to boil far too long with a conventional canner. My problem: I'm scared to death of pressure cookers.)

A 92-year-old record for weather was broken in Colorado -- for heat. Oh goody.

Making a too-tight shirt more comfortable. Hmmm...

How about a stock tank for a swimming pool?  I'm using a version of this for my new soaking pool.

Ten ancient buildings -- still in use today! 

Ten places that still show what happened there. 

"Whites don't shoot whites." But that's not the FULL quote of the shooter at a Louisville, KY Kroger grocery store -- and why he said it. (This is one of the issues I mentioned in my recent FB statement, Gentle Readers. The full quote is considerably different than the partial one, especially when you realize who it was directed at, and why!)

Fifty of Hollywood's worst performances -- at least according to this post. (Hey, I liked Kevin Costner's Robin Hood. Russell Crowe singing in Les Miserables, too.)

"Firework" walkway lamps -- these are surprisingly clever, using, of all things, pool noodles!

A collector files an official complaint -- his newly-purchased Egyptian "Fayum" portrait is a fake. (Turns out several other entities, including the Louvre, were similarly taken in.)

Ironically, this looks a bit like the Brick.

Items from Siegfried and Roy's collection, recently sold at auction. Lots of tiger memorabilia.

Results from the auction of Hubert Givenchy's collection are here.   (The results were hardly chump change -- more than $86 million.)

A dog set his home on fire...by turning on the stove? Yep.

Ten college scandals. And they're not pretty ones, either.

This year's quilt Shop Hop in Colorado -- let's go!

So Tom Hanks thinks the Da Vinci Code movies he did were a lot of "hooey?" Hmmm....

Why Dave Thomas named his burger chain after his daughter -- and regretted it later.

Pesto mozzarella rollups.  (Think taquitos, but with flour tortillas.) There's a pizza version, too. 

Have a great week. Stay safe.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Happy Father's Day!

 Here's a fun collection of various dad-related items...

     and a very Happy Father's Day to my Pa, wonderful father-in-law George... and the Brick. 

I love you. 

(Not that the Brick -- or yours truly -- ever says this...)

Been there, done that.

The girls enjoyed saying stuff like this.

And finally:

But we love them, anyways. 

    Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there -- and you wonderful men who act like dads to the people you love.

    Thank you. 

Ruby Is Gone

    She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...