Saturday, July 28, 2018

It's Always Something Else...

Guess the Brick wasn't finished with health issues.

This week, he had another visit to the emergency room...

and gallbladder surgery.

Now he has a fresh batch of little slits on his stomach, plus a vertical cut by his bellybutton.

And no gallbladder. Which was filled with little stones, anyways.

Ironically, this time they let him go home the same day -- they caught the gallbladder in the first stages of inflammation. (No fever and no infection make a big difference, too.) I'm grateful. But at the same time, it was weird. (It's amazing what they do laparoscopically, nowadays.)

So he's back to resting and getting stronger. 

And hopefully healthier.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.