Wednesday, July 11, 2018

It's Always the Unexpected That Gets You...

I had big plans for today. Instead, the Brick had plans of his own:

An emergency appendectomy. 

Thankfully, we now have a hospital in Castle Rock, just a few minutes drive away.

His appendix was ruptured, with infection around it, by the time they finally 'chipped it out of him.'  (That's a direct quote from the doctor.)

I'd noticed he wasn't acting like himself earlier this month, but had chalked it up to exhaustion from Daughter #2 and Son #1's wedding, packing to move and all the other responsibilities we've been juggling the past three or so months.
     Or maybe he just had the flu...

Thank God the doctors say he'll recover completely. He was sleeping when I left him.

It's 1:30 a.m...and I have to head back to the hospital soon.

Thank God he's improving. I don't want to lose him.

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