Thursday, July 12, 2018

Another Dose of Things I Don't Understand (The Hospital Edition)

The Brick is doing better. He's running a low-grade fever -- considering all the infection they scooped out of him a few days ago, I'd be surprised if he wasn't.

We sit quietly in the hospital room, watching shows like Naked and Afraid (fitting for a hospital, huh) and Destination Unknown. (Or cop shows, if there's nothing else on.) The Brick is alternately spacey and 'there.' On the other hand, I may be saying something to him, then realize he's gone -- soundly asleep. 

What a life.

Since I don't understand this situation very well ("Why in the world did this happen...and why didn't he start hurting earlier?"), it's the perfect time to introduce the latest batch of Things I Don't Understand. (You've got plenty more to choose from in this department -- go here to start.)

Let's start with hospital matters. We're at Castle Rock Adventist right now. Without further ado:

This is not the Brick, by the way. He would not be happy about a gown photo.

*The nurses and assistants here are wonderful: warm, friendly and helpful -- when you can catch them.  Which isn't often -- we've waited as long as a couple hours between visits, unless we push the 'call nurse' button. (And even then, they don't show up quickly.)

    The halls aren't that busy. We were told Tuesday that there was one patient (the Brick) between four nurses. It didn't matter -- we still didn't see them that much. It is busier today, but still...
    What are they doing at the nurses' station: pinochle? A Monopoly tournament?

Why will the nurses let a beeping warning go for minutes, ten minutes...seemingly forever? We're told that it shows up at the nurses station, yet we have to call for a nurse to get them to shut it off. The Brick is patient about it, but after twenty minutes of beeping, I'm ready to strangle someone.
     This time, it's because his saline solution bag is empty -- an easy fix. Updateour current nurse said they don't have warning buttons. They rely on us to let them know. She was frustrated about it, too.

*Why isn't the food better? Couldn't you hire a chef, if you can't figure out the recipes?

*Why must the Brick endure umpteen different tests and procedures? Does he really need them -- or are the hospital personnel just covering their options? (Or worse yet, padding the bill.)

Enough of that. On with other subjects (accompanied by beeping, if you were here):

And finally:

Thanks, Pinterest, for all.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Sorry to see the Brick had to have surgery but glad the doctor says he'll make a full recovery. At least you brought your sense of humor along.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.