Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Still Here

Trying to juggle a bunch of balls in the air, and simultaneously keep the Brick down and resting. (He needs to, in order to heal.) We've had several rainstorms this past week -- the July Monsoon we sometimes get this time of year. High winds, sideways rain and a little hail mixed in keep us home. The cooler air has made it easier for the Brick to sleep, too. Poor guy.

Fortunately, likfe goes on. More slowly right now -- but it goes forward.

Traveling the world -- for less than $20,000/yr.

Sourdough bread -- how to make it.  (From Jembella Farm)

CAUTION: RUDE ALERT. Accusations of 'Bigfoot Porn' in Virginia politics. I am bringing this up now, before my family can drag it out of the headlines and torture me with it.

320K income -- lots of debt -- now what?!?   (From the White Coat Investor)

Pimple and blackhead dos and don'ts -- from Dr. Pimple Popper. (I shamefacedly admit I enjoy a round of her videos now and then on Youtube. Watching these guys squeeze out is pleasantly disgusting.)

Faked hate crimes... these are startling, to say the least. Shades of Sherita Dixon-Cole, who seems to have disappeared off the radar. Add to this:
    17 hate crimes reported in 2017 -- that turned out to be hoaxes.  And:
    9 more, that also turned out to be hoaxes. Done by the people of the same sex, political bent or the culture that they claimed was being discriminated against. And often done for effect.

Encouraging, huh...

Homeowners who refused to move.  An intriguing slideshow of what happened next!

Ten crimes committed (or helped) by drones. (From Listverse) Also on the docket:

Ten hate crimes -- that were faked.

Weird hacks that work.  Another classic from yours truly.

Weird facts about America's national landmarks. Did you know that the gigantic Crazy Horse statue pointing... is actually considered an insult? (Those Native American tribes thought that pointing was incredibly rude.) Thanks for educating us, Listverse.

Melee at Applebee's: The four women who beat the crap out of a waitress who brushed by one of their legs. They not only attacked her, but cut her with a steak knife (15 stitches), stole her tip money...then casually walked out of the restaurant, ditching their bill. Talk about a busy night! (They've all been arrested, by the way.)

Memes that ruined people's lives. Sadly, some of these were begin with, at least.

An art dealer buys a New Jersey storage locker full of "a bunch of junk" -- and finds what he believes is a Klee, plus 6 deKooning paintings. Yowza.

Ten haunted universities and colleges around the world. (From Listverse)

"What's the cheapest, fastest meal you can prepare?" Interesting answers from Quora.

The 'doctor' (who wasn't) who saved thousands of babies.  Over more than four decades... 

Robin Wiliams estate items are going up for auction in October.  This is from the things he and wife #2 Marsha collected. (Yes, it's taken four years for these to be offered. That's not unusual. I just wonder what the kids and wife #3 think about it.)

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.