Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Warm Breezes, Starry NIghts

This is one of the most visually appealing star blocks I've seen in a long time... 
     and the pattern is free, thanks to Cath at Wombat Quilts!

Here's the basic unit (you'll need 4 for the block):

Makes up into this star block:

And different colors produce this version of the same block:

The six-inch block size makes it an excellent candidate for using up scraps, as well.

Try the blocks combined into a small quilt, used as an inner or outer border... or just four for corner blocks. I plan on keeping copies of the units in my sewing machine case, and sewing a few from leftovers whenever I'm working on something. In time, I should have enough for a rainbow-style kaleidoscope quilt.

Go here for pattern units and full info. Nice job, Cath!

(Look for another easy quilt pattern later this week)

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.