Monday, July 2, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: FIRE

Colorado has another big fire down south, thanks to an illegal immigrant who, it is said, started it. Then it just continued to spread; authorities are calling it the Spring Creek Fire.

Bitterroot Forest fire, Montana, 2000 - photo by John McColgan

More than 40,000 acres near La Veta, Cuchara and Fort Garland are gone.

Update:  nearly 60,000 acres gone now, as of July 3rd.

   P.S. That includes our quilting colleague's ranch. Ricky Tims and his partner Justin are okay, thank God.

Even worse, we're in the middle of a hot, dry spell. No rain, and all too often, wind. 

Meanwhile, the 416 Fire blazing down by Durango still is not contained, either. It's past 47,000 acres burned, and only 37%  has been held back. 

No fireworks around here; it's just too dry. The local authorities have put up a ban, with a $750 fine. We'll see if that stops our next-door neighbor. He's set fireworks off pretty much every year we've lived here, ban or no. Two fireworks stores are up and doing business, and some people are buying them. 

God help us. I mean that literally. Meanwhile:

Mr. Money Mustache's $3500 tiny studio.  (It might become an Airbnb, eventually.)

A Fourth of July-themed post from the pastThanks to yours truly.

DIY dollar store 'industrial farmhouse' decorating.  (From Little House of Four) Also from them: 

An easy personalized glass bead necklace.

34 Depression Era recipes that deserve to be served today.  (From Taste of Home)

Including... beans!

Need to find a wedding shower present? Maybe these ideas will help...a classic from yours truly.

Money mistakes.  (From Get Rich Slowly)

Seven celebrities that are NOT what you'd think(From Cracked) For example: Robin Williams -- a joke thief? Yes.

All sorts of interesting art-related news... including a Russian museum owner suddenly taking off (with money not his own, no doubt), a smuggled Giotto (allegedly) and an overpainted icon that may be salvageable. So may the Russian, for that matter.  (From Artnet)

A big batch of easy, healthy main dishes to try... thanks to The Frugal Girl. I've got my eye on 'Aussie Chicken:' her version of Outback's Alice Springs Chicken.

Pawn Stars' 'old man,' Richard Harrison, died. Crabby, bossy...and extremely knowledgeable.

The ten wackiest 'Unsolved Mysteries' episodes. 

How to win at a carnival game -- maybe.

What can you learn from frugal millionaires? A lot, it turns out.  (From Wealth Advisor)

Ten human-animal hybrids...that have already happened. Creepy.  (From Listverse)

A dozen crazy things Walmart employees have seen customers do.  (From Reader's Digest)

A strange (but fascinating) interview with Johnny Depp.  This guy is in deep trouble, and will stay that way until he resolves to change. (From Rolling Stone)

Authenticating works by Picasso(From ArtNews) It's extremely complicated, in part because his children don't always agree (and didn't always get along with their father); and Picasso enjoyed signing his name in a variety of ways. The whole situation has gotten worse with an electrician appearing with hundreds of pieces he says Picasso gave him. (The kids first said he stole them...then they weren't authentic. Now they're to the point of admitting they're Picasso's...but the provenance is wrong.)  Messy, messy.

Cutting expenses -- when you think you can't.  A several-part series by yours truly.

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.