Sunday, July 22, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: House, House, House

    Work stuff's almost cleared away. My appraisal clients were kind enough to give me a 'bye,' and understand about The Brick's hospital stay. The Brick is definitely feeling better. (Thank God.) Now it's time to concentrate on packing up bags and boxes, then gradually transferring items to the trailer. It will take longer than I'd planned; the Brick isn't allowed to lift anything more than 20 pounds. But it will be a major item on the calendar. 
     I've got three weeks...then I'm back on the road again. First stop is the Cheyenne Heritage Quilt Guild in (you guessed it) Cheyenne, WY, one of my favorite places in the world -- appraising and judging. More about this soon.

The duck boat victims included a family of nine. (The total party was 11; an adult and child lived. The woman who survived lost her husband and all three children.)
     This accident has really hit home to us. The Brick looked at the family's photo and said, "They look like good people -- we could have been friends with them."
     He's right.
     Even the kids looked like intelligent, interesting people. What a shame that they couldn't have grown up, and passed that on to another generation. 
     More details about the accident -- and duck boats -- here.
     Plus here -- including details from a survivor, and some very unnerving footage.

Something weird is happening in the Yellowstone volcanic systemWe have friends heading there this week on a motorcycle tour...

The best foods for healing -- from surgery, illness and injury. Hey, for the Brick's sake, I'll try them!  (From the Real Food Forager)

The laziest cats ever to walk (or not) on the face of the earth. A very funny slideshow.

Peanut butter fudge -- basic and delicious.  (From Moneysaving Mom) P.S. I don't use coconut oil much; for some reason, it makes me nauseous. Try melted butter, instead.

The government employee who skipped work for a decade -- and no one noticed. He's not the only one in the Laziness Hall of Fame, either.

Retiring? Hey, draw MORE than the 4% rule!  Not that I agree with this...

A huge artillery fort site discovered in Kilkenny... part of it under the site of a proposed hotel parking lot! (The Irish town nearby was called 'Castlecomer.' Gee, could that have been a hint that a 'castle' was nearby?) From Irish Central. Plus:

A 500-year-old 'passage tomb' discovered in Dowth, Ireland...the first in decades.

How to paint a rug -- and make it last.  (From Knockoff Decor)

A very cool way to make very tiny Four Patch blocks!  (From Bee in My Bonnet)

From the Department of 'Well, That's Crass' comes the tale of a woman who helps herself to an Ohio restaurant's painting -- but is forced to return it after she's identified on social media. Serves her right; I hope she's humiliated. (The restaurant owners are kind enough to say they won't press charges.)

"The dirty secret[s] behind eating at home." Lots of save-time-and-energy tips here.  (From The Frugalwoods)

Top ten investment tips from "the best."  (From Wealth Advisor)

Paying to save on energy -- now and later.  A classic from yours truly.

Twenty reasons why you don't want your family picking you up at the airport! (Including some nice ones, too...a photo essay from Dumpaday.) Like this one:

"I can't even afford to eat..." or could something be done? (From I Heart Budgets)

The paralyzed kitten who suddenly began to move her legs! You'll love this feisty cat's love for life.

Give a kid a thousand bucks -- what does he do with the money?

Secrets about cruise ships -- from the staff's viewpoint.

Crow necrophilia -- why do they act like that around dead crows? Kinky Alert -- but fascinating. (From The Smithsonian)

Building a better resume.  (From Get Rich Slowly)

Have a good week. And just so you don't forget His Nibs:


scrapdash said...

There has been concerns about Yellowstone for years - I hope to get to see it before it is gone!

I am glad Dave is feeling better, BTW. Good thing it happened before you left so he could be surrounded by family and friends.

Cindy Brick said...

Thanks, Phoebe, for the kind words... he overdid it some on Saturday, but has been resting since then. And that's helping.

Thanks for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.