Monday, July 16, 2018

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Recuperating

Now I understand the whole "lost weekend" concept...because, thanks to the Brick's emergency appendectomy, we "lost" last week.
     Thankfully, he's home now. The bruises and incisions are healing. He runs out of steam really quickly -- but that's totally normal at this point. Fortunately, we've got plenty of Grimm and Longmire episodes on tap, making him more content to stay on the couch.
     Now back to work... for me. But for the Brick, it means resting -- and getting stronger.

     Weird facts you may not know: Many surgeries now are arthoscopic, done with a small slit or two. In the appendectomy's case, the person's abdomen may be pumped full of CO2, making it easier for the surgeon to 'see' inside and move around without injury to the other organs. (They may push down on the abdomen -- which might explain why the Brick is one big bruise under his bellybutton -- or even vacuum the gas out at the operation's end.) 
     It's not uncommon for people getting appendectomies to be able to go home that day, thanks to the small slits. Healing goes faster, too. The Brick only had to spend several days in hospital because of the infection around his burst appendix. Contrast that with the old days, when surgery meant at least  a week in hospital. 

Today is officially Amazon Prime day, good for only 24 hours. Ironically, both the Brick and I have looked over the 'official' sales, and not found much that we really need. Want, yes. Need, no.

27 simple actions that changed the world.  Know who the first persont to send an e-mail was? Bill Clinton... to John Glenn, while he was in space.  (Thanks, Cracked readers)

Marilyn Monroe's favorite diet tips...and a bunch of other weird diet mentions.

How to buy property at below market value -- with just a few simple words.  (From Financial Samurai)

Serena Williams, losing the Wimbledon final in straight sets? Wow...

People caught in their own lies. VULGAR ALERT -- but there are some entertaining weiners here.  (From EBaums World)

Free fries or soft drink from McDonald's, good through the end of the year?? Yes, if you have their app -- and it's easy (and free) to install on your phone.

Some of the funniest dad comments I've ever read. Not the Brick ever does this to his daughters!
     Here's my personal favorite:

Ten unexpected things that happened recently, including the discovery of the oldest dye (so far, at least -- it's pink!); ancient settlements that are reappearing, thanks to drought and... drunken seagulls. (Hey you get alerts about everything there. Thanks, Listverse.)

Celebrities with unusual eye colors.

An amazing helicopter rescue on Mt. Hood...with one end balanced on nothing but air!

The end of the trail... on the Alaska Highway for Kevin and Ruth. This is the last post in the series -- make sure you start at the beginning, and read through as they head toward the Arctic Circle. (Thanks for sharing, Travel with Kevin and Ruth.)

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.