Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The "New" Frugal...or Just the Old Jazzed Up?

Get Rich Slowly has a far-reaching post on thriftiness:


In short, all the big magazines are suddenly recognizing that it makes sense to economize...so does this mean that thrift is 'in?'

(I grin to myself, remembering that Budget Living magazine tanked just a year or so ago...and even it, with all its great ideas, had a bad habit of announcing that $200 dresses and $300 shoes were 'inexpensive.' Yeah, right.)

The already-doing-it person can certainly learn from some of the new tips offered. But other than cheering these new-frontier types on, it's still the same truth -- living on less than you earn makes sense. And helps save, not only for you, but from waste.

I can hear my grandma cheering already. She absolutely hated wasting ANYTHING, from beef tongue (sliced for sandwiches) to old clothes (slice 'em, fold 'em, braid into rugs). Even the least bit of leftovers went into shepherd's casseroles, and old bones were buried under rosebushes for fertilizer.

I think of Grandma often this time of year, when the lilacs start to bloom. She often had a large vase of them scenting the dining room. A frugal way to celebrate spring.


Yvonne said...

Lilacs remind me of my grandmother, too. I can't grow them here in Texas, so they have huge sentimental value. My grandmother's property was lined with 8-ft. high lilac bushes, and I used to lay under them and read to my heart's content. Great memories.

Anonymous said...

I find it almost offensive when tv presenters talk about things being affordable in this economy, as they promote $300 dresses! LOL I don't think I'll ever spend $300 on a dress, apart from maybe my wedding dress!

Making Their Point