Saturday, May 4, 2019

And Now For Something Completely Different...

    We just got done watching the marvelous First Man, with Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong. Wow.

I have vivid memories of being at Uncle Allen and Aunt Maxine's house for the moon landing, which was televised. They fixed Hawaiian food (exotic to begin with, for this scruffy Michigan farm kid), and invited the family over -- all 60+ of us.
     Peering at the moonwalk on the TV was just the whipped cream on top of a wonderful evening. Although I do remember thinking, "That's it??" The action was really slow, and in black & white.

It didn't even occur to me there was a strong possibility Armstrong and Aldrin couldn't get off the moon surface, once they'd landed. First Man makes that clear.

Gosling has such an brilliant, understated performance, that I went looking for more of him...

found this very funny cobbled-together bunch of interviews:

This interview is even funnier, even though Gosling's not the one telling it:

And him eating cereal. Or not.

And there's always...

What a guy.

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