Monday, May 6, 2019

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: More Stuff Than You Could Imagine

    Boxes, bags and piles are EVERYWHERE.

    We've met with two real estate agents. One more to go.

    If we can get this house cleaned up and on the market by the end of the month, we should be just fine. I think we can do it -- but it's going to be a lot of work. 

Back to it. This week, I've got a lot of internet stuff to share with you, as well...enjoy. 

P.S. More snow and rain expected in a day or two. Tell that to the plum trees and crabapples, blooming like crazy... of course, Colorado isn't the only area dealing with cold and wet stuff this month.

"I sell onions on the internet."

Fifteen Really Strange Things Found Underwater:

Celebrity refrigerators -- which look surprisingly clean and 'healthy,' except for the occasional slipup. (Reddi-whip, anyone?)  Tell me you aren't curious about this sort of thing, too...

How often do you hear a football star praised for rescuing a girl at a kegger? Thanks to Dre Greenlaw, you'll have heard it at least once. Good for him.

Ten 'mistakes' that became valuable inventions. Including superglue and bubble wrap!  (From Listverse)

Finding balance -- finances included.  (From Get Rich Slowly)  Speaking of:

The lady who lost the Georgia governor's race...says she didn't.   "I did win my election. I just didn't get to have the job." She also says that since she never officially conceded, then it doesn't 'count.' Huh -- and for some reason, Brian Kemp thinks HE'S governor. Crazy.

What this world needs is a few more rednecks -- funny, but a few good points!

Did you watch the kids video from the Muslim American Society chapter in Philadelphia? One of my Gentle Readers accused the report of being 'iffy'...but further research suggests the opposite.  More on where those songs came from...and it's frightening.  (From Solstice Witch 13)
     If you don't want to mess with her, go straight to the source that the kids' songs originated from.

UPDATE:  A spokesman for the Philly chapter of MAS says the person responsible for the event has been 'dismissed,' and they are investigating the "unintended mistake and an oversight" further.  Well, they'd better. Nice to know that "the center and the students are remorseful." As my dad would say, "Ya think?!?"

Pet shaming signs, including this one:

How much should you really be spending on groceries?  (From GoodCheapEats)

Teachers who got the last laugh on their students: a slideshow. Speaking of:

An 83-year-old mural of George Washington (displayed, fittingly, at George Washington High School in San Francisco) is "traumatizing students and community members" because it (gasp) displays slaves and Native Americans in an unpolitically-correct way. Discussion is underway to remove this shocking reminder of America's past history to the Dark Ages from whence it came.

Fifteen celebrities who lived in a trailer park...and don't now.  (I'd add Ryan Gosling to this list, with his stay in the Yogi Bear Trailer Park with his mom.)

Six free charm quilt patterns, using 5-inch squares. Including this one, Vanishing Time.  (From the American Quilters Society)

Responded to another horse trailer ad on Craigslist...and lo and behold, it was the same scanner who tried to bill us last week! (This time, I wrote Craigslist directly to warn them.)
     How can these people live with themselves...

Scott Disick learns the "heartbreaking truth:" that an appraiser thinks his Kardashian-made artwork is worth....ah... "less than the materials used." The appraiser had some other zingers to impart, but you'll need to read the article to find out.

A new colt's prancing at Williamsburg... the first in 16 years from their Rare Breeds program. Valiant was born to Fudge, and sired by Lord Brigadoon...otherwise known as Clarence.

Spicy basil slaw.  Oh yeah...  (From Lisa's Dinnertime Dish)

An 18-foot python crosses the road in South Africa -- one BIG snake. 

Summer Movie Camp at AMC theatres -- take your kid (and yourself) to a movie on Wednesday mornings; kids' tickets, plus a popcorn pack, are just $4.

How to build strong habits in just three steps.  Little bits of progress count, by the way.

Ten strange candies from around the world.  Musk sticks?? Aussie buddies, you're going to have to explain that one...  (From Listverse)

Ten photos with creepy stories or implications:

Are the Russians using beluga whales for spying?
This one was found in Norwegian waters; the harness is Russian-made.

Have a good week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...