Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Another Great One is Gone -- And A Moving Update

Tim Conway died Tuesday, in Los Angeles. He had not been in good health for some time. His wife Charlene was recently appointed his conservator, since Tim's dementia had been increasing.

Not that it would have been easy to notice.

I have loved the work of this funny, funny man ever since I could remember. Especially his schtick on the Carol Burnett Show. (Carol revealed that one of his great aims in life was to make Harvey Korman break up laughing during the scene -- something he did very well.)

I still cannot watch his 'elephant story' without laughing -- his fellow actors couldn't do it without cracking up, either.

   Tim writes, on his website:

I was born and then I did The Carol Burnett Show for eleven years. What else is there to know? I have six Emmy’s. Big deal. I am also in The Comedy Hall of Fame, it was a natural since I spent alot of my time in grade school out in the hall. I went to Bowling Green State University for eleven years. A very slow lerner (I proof read my bio). I was in the army (ours) for two years and was in McHales Navy for three years. That is a total of five years of service. My ambition was to be a jockey, but at my weight, even the horses were asking me to get off. I have seven children, two grand children and a puppy. I have been married since 1984, a record for Hollywood. I do not have a serious thought in my head. Enjoy the show.

(A serious bio follows, written by 'somebody else.')

And don't forget Mr. Tudball and  Mrs. "ah-Wiggggggins:"

I knew secretaries worse than Mrs. W...and sadly, some of my bosses could have given Mr. T. a run for the money.

Tim's autobiography, What's So Funny?, is well worth reading. It's very funny -- honestly, I don't think he could help himself -- but explains a lot, too.

Mr. Conway, you've given me comfort and a chance to think about something else during some very sad and stressful times in my life...and helped me celebrate during the happy times.
     Thank you. Thank you so much.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Moving Update:  One dumpster emptied, the second one a third-full. I think we're slowing down, though, in volume. (Whew) Half of the house echoes emptily when you walk through the rooms; the other half is still littered with boxes and bags. I was especially grateful to see the freezer head out -- that monstrosity and I have been doing battle for years. (The door would rarely shut properly -- which meant I was forever having to defrost and start over. Grrrr.)
     Joe and Drew, our declutterers extraordinaire, had other work elsewhere for a day, so it's up to us to pull what we need to keep from the upstairs -- then let the guys clear out the rest when they return. The dogs watch everything, puzzled. Just so they won't be left behind, they rush to hop in the truck, or squeeze into a spare corner:  "You're not forgetting us, are you, Mom?"

Sir Charles, the ringleader...but Ruby and Karma are right behind him.

    I had a few twinges yesterday, watching some things go out the door -- but it hasn't been too bad. It helps to remember what I learned from that book,  or the tattered remnants of that fabric (nibbled by mice out in the garage, sadly) -- then let them go in peace. Daughter #1 suggested this approach -- and it's worked.
    The items we're keeping will go into the horse trailer, kindly loaned by friends. They need it back in a month -- which means, once the house is cleared out, we'll make a quick trip to put the stuff in storage -- then back. I have several commitments the first part of June, so we'll be at the house at least until then.
     If all goes as planned, we'll be moving our mattress to the library, then sleeping (and basically living) downstairs from now on while the guys work on painting and refinishing the floors upstairs. It's a little weird -- especially when you can hear banging and walking around -- but ok. It's only temporary.

     It all needs to happen, but is Definitely Not Fun.

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