Saturday, May 11, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Here We Go

The work crew starts first thing Monday morning: 8 a.m. 

We normally get up at 9 or even 10 a.m. (sigh)

Their first job is to clear out all the areas upstairs. As in CLEAR OUT -- furniture, bags, books, whatever. A giant dumpster waits to take whatever we can't use -- which is a lot. 

I plan to Craigslist some of the bigger pieces of furniture -- a Habitat for Humanity truck will pick up what's left on the 25th. 

We chose a realtor -- Karine Welton has been in contact with us for the past two years, and we feel confident she'll do a good job for us. 

We looked at a trailer possibility, but want to have it checked over first for water damage. (Can't help it, after our other incident.) And we can't seem to find a storage trailer yet. So for now, the boxes and 'keeping' stuff will be piled in the garage. 

(If you're thinking, 'Gee, all this stuff is happening so quickly -- all at the same time!'...well, you're right. That's how we Bricks seem to roll.)

It's all finally happening. I did not realize that 'things' can drag you down, as well as support you. This decluttering actually feels refreshing. I paid so little -- or nothing -- for a lot of the stuff, that it doesn't matter that much.

I don't think I'll regret it in the future, either.

The weird contents of Queen Victoria's coffin.  Ya just can't make this stuff up. Speaking of:

Doris Day died this weekend. What an amazing, versatile actress -- who went through a lot in her personal life, as well. She kept a low profile in recent years, but earned it: she was 97.

Found money: where and when do you draw the line?  (From Len Penzo)

Lose your fish, just as you're pulling it up? Go after it!

Speaking of -- one of the biggest fish I've ever seen caught with a pole. By someone on the bank.

An underwater cave with sparkling bones. Mayan bones -- and artifacts.

Uses for shipping containers -- 50 of them. Maybe for storage while moving, too...we're considering it.

Nine incredible minutes of incredible events -- all on video:

"Do you know who I am?"   Celebrities who've said this -- and regretted it. This is from Ranker, which has an incredible amount of lists, including:

Brain farts with serious consequences. Do you know why Constantinople was overrun by the Turks? Because someone forgot to close and lock a door. Tell that to your kid next time, instead of asking if he "was born in a barn."

"I'm just -- happy."  (From Picking Up Pennies)

Save more for retirement -- in a Solo 401k account. This unusual combo is offered from Vanguard, one of my favorite companies to invest in.  (From Retire by 40)

A female game reviewer gets tired of being trolled -- so she reports the creepy guy to his mother. (Don't blame her one bit.)

Remembering Granddaddy, by installing his old mailbox.  (From A Working Pantry)

Having fun with the lawncare people.  And not in a good way.  (From Misadventures of Widowhood)

Have a great week. Declutter something yourself -- it may feel wonderful.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...