Sunday, May 19, 2019

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: It's One Way to Clean A House

Know how to do it?

Strip everything out. EVERYTHING. Hire two guys (or even as many as 4, one day) to help. Get a dumpster -- you'll need it. Takes a week or two, but your house will be empty. And sort of clean.

With the exception of a couple of bookcases and a small pile of fabric, the basement is empty. Scraps of paper and a drift of dust and dirt are waiting to be cleaned up. 
    The upstairs is half-empty...the remaining rooms have all had their big items removed, except for our bed. Piles are here and there, but two days of hard work should clean those up. We still need to strip out the dishes, food and appliances from the kitchen, too.
     We've sold some things, but lots of items are left. Our popup truck camper is waiting for a good home, too. 
     No couch to sit on, only a few chairs left. It just feels if this isn't our home, anymore. 

Which, in a way... it isn't. 

A reader is dying -- and his wife will inherit $500,000 in life insurance. What should she do next? Readers weigh in, through ESI Money.

A reader case study: more frugal than the Frugalwoods?  (From You-know-where)

Best quotes from Warren Buffett's 2019 conference. (This is Part II; there's a link included to Part I, as well...but I couldn't get it to work. Maybe you can. From GuruFocus)

Maybe you CAN stop those unwanted robocalls and texts to your cellphone. Here's hope.

An elderly Las Vegas man dies...after being shoved off the bus by a 25-year-old. Not only that, later reports state she did this in front of her young son. Contrast this shameful behavior with:

A Florida mom rushes back into her burning apartment to save her children -- and dies with them.

An eighteen-egg casserole??  It looks delicious.  (From Hundred Dollars A Month)

What the Kardashians eat in a day. I'm ashamed of myself for being nosy about this famous family...but this will satisfy my curiosity. (Nothing about their butts -- PLEASE.)

The burial site of an early Anglo-Saxon prince...found in a patch of grass near a pub and a supermarket. What's especially cool -- it's produced more than 40 unusual artifacts, some thought to be the first of that type found in Great Britain. At c.575-615 A.D., it's thought to be the earliest Christian Anglo-Saxon burial found, so far.  Also intriguing:

The Plain of Jars.  Whoa, what an intriguing site -- with more giant jars being found.

"My mother, her mother and a bargain" -- the story of a Korean deparment store -- and a coat.

Have a good week. I'll check in later, and let you know how things are going.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...