Saturday, May 25, 2019

Monday (Fine, Saturday) Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Happy Memorial Day!

   Yes, this is earlier than my usual Monday post. But I figure you'll be sleeping in, going swimming or eating watermelon and hotdogs on Memorial Day...not reading my blog. So here are the latest things I've found, early enough for you to enjoy them.

The moving continues. We have more to do, but hope to finish it off this weekend...because next week, the painting starts. It's also the last few days of the moving sale, before most of the furniture gets carted off  by Habitat for Humanity. I keep getting a crick in my neck from trying to get work done, and watch for customers at the same time. 

No delightful lazing about for us this year on Memorial Day. Maybe next year.

What to do when you can choose the donor for your child...and you're black. I don't think the issues are quite so (ahem) black-and-white as this writer, but she does bring up some interesting questions.

Aluminum foil hacks that work!  Did you know that it can extend the life of bananas...and batteries?

When helping your kids is only hurting you. An interesting look at this subject -- partly because the blogger was once forced to accept help from her parent!   (From I Pick Up Pennies)

Easy ways to make your house smell good.  (From Knockoff Decor)

How to make a wooden spoon.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Want to live healthier and cheaper? Clean less!  (From Mr. Money Mustache)

Ten art auctions in a week: two BILLION dollars in sales. Christie's did the best -- more than one billion itself! Sotheby's and Phillips did less than in the past. Here's the full report;  fellow appraisers, take note.  (From Appraiser Workshops)
A walk in Tintagel -- and a rebellion against 'spend a penny' British toilets!  (From Life After Money)

Modernism in antique quilts. Why this guy is so surprised that a 'modern' look can be found in very old quilts...well, I'm just not sure. But interesting, nonetheless.  (From Wonky World)

"Twelve of my favorite decorating finds -- under $50."  (From Thistlewood Farms)

Are shortages and price hikes coming, because of China's tariff changes? Misadventures of Widowhood thinks so...

Bigfoot's been spotted on Google Earth? Maybe...but at least you can see:

Ten reports of Yeti based on more than just footprints.  (From Listverse) And while we're at it:

Ten government officials who admitted the existence of aliens. Listverse, you just give us a giggle. After all, the Pentagon finally admitted to running a five-year investigation of UFO sightings.

Emptying the septic tank. This was surprisingly interesting, and reminded me a lot of Red Green's cohort, Winston Rothschild III and his 'septic sucking' business.  (Thanks for the smelly memory, Get Me to the Country)

The right salary versus the right job. Sometimes you take one, so you can accomplish different goals. (Thanks for the reminder, Donna Freedman.)

Estate planning mistakes you can avoid.  (From The Wealth Advisor)

Five products Trader Joe employees always buy for themselves. And they don't even mention the green curry sauce I would run people over for...

Seven Tiny Home kits you can actually buy on Amazon.  (From Dwell) Including the Sunray from Allwood, shown below. Less than $9,000 -- and they say two adults can build it in 2-3 days with minimal tools.

Feeding your family for $10 a week -- is it really possible?  Well, yes...and no.  (From Coffee with Kate)

The World Health Organization blew nearly $200 million on misused travel funds. The wasted funds were spent on first class tickets (a definite no-no, by WHO rules), unnecessary trips and luxury accomodations. No worries, though. It's less than they misused the year before. Gee, I feel comforted. Don't you?

Getting ready for winter. This blogger is Australian, so winter is beginning to loom...but it's good advice for the rest of the world, too.  (From My Abundant Life)

Have a great week(end).

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...