Friday, October 30, 2020

Bosses Worth Remembering...

 ...deep down in your gut, that is, because they make you sick. In more ways than one.

Like this treasure:

More Jerk bosses shamed via the internet. These are particularly interesting, when you've had one. My personal favorite is still the Ann Arbor boss I worked for in the early 80s. One memorable day, she loudly castigated her Promotions staff for missing a catalog deadline, then stomped out of the office. The rest of us kept working-- I went home at midnight, others stayed all night. We finished in early morning, and made the deadline.

     Her superior, Big Boss, was full of praise for us. Everyone got the day off, and the all-nighters got the next day, as well. These were grudgingly awarded by Fearless Leader, who was used to taking credit for what we were praised for -- and letting us have it (literally) when we weren't. 

Unfortunately, Big Boss had apparently heard FL's tantrum the day she couldn't announce she'd managed the whole thing.

She bided her time for a few months, but eventually made up for our 'treachery' by FIRING the entire department, with the exception of one artist, who could keep things going temporarily. Thankfully, we'd moved to Colorado by then, or I would have been a goner, too.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.