Sunday, October 18, 2020

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: A Family Wedding -- and Michigan Fall

    Drove all night to make it to a cousin's wedding in Michigan -- and got there just in time for the final song. At least we could enjoy the reception, though things were a bit fuzzy by then. Congratulations, Malachi and Jessica!

Cuz, may you have many happy years together with your bride.

What you can't tell from the photos was that it was FREEZING out there during the ceremony. People made a beeline for the barn afterwards to thaw out during the reception, and there was a brisk trade in hot coffee. But hey, it was beautiful...

Michigan's autumn is heart-stopping. We enjoyed the fall colors all the way to The Mama's farm, and will head out Monday for a trip to see more. 


 Stalked by a mountain lion... and it ain't pretty.

"Just Desserts," an interesting tale of embezzlement -- and fruitcakes.

Ricky Tims' Glen Eyrie Castle quilt. (This is a Colorado Springs landmark, btw.)

Some of the zaniest fan interventions in sports. Speaking of:

How to act like a total jerk -- about a stupid mask. Baked Alaska does more than his part. (He got his Youtube channel banned because of it, too.)

A huge 'Tallboy' WWII bomb explosion. Fortunately, the Polish divers trying to dismantle it weren't hurt -- and neither was anyone in the nearby town. 

A closer look at the 'bystander effect.'  (From the Skeptoid)

Can't reach the food on the counter? Get your brothers to hold still while you stand on them. Such are a corgi's wiles.

From Quora: "What's the most arrogant thing you've seen on a resume?" All the strange answers you'd ever want, including the jobseeker who said the work presented was his. (It was actually done by the man interviewing him!) 

     When I worked for the Daily Camera in Boulder, CO, my favorite was the person who kept applying for a spot in the newsroom. After all, she said, she knew how to write -- and she read the paper regularly. What more could you ask for?

Top 401K mistakes that could hurt your retirement. (From Financial Samurai)

I just read the most intriguing tip -- if you think a person just gave you a fake phone number (or address, for that matter), read it back to them, but deliberately get some numbers wrong. See if they correct you.

* * * * * * *

Colorado backcountry news, thanks to Out There Colorado:  

A Jeep plunges off Black Bear Pass in Colorado. You struggle with not worrying this will happen when you're four-wheeling...

Deer Creek Canyon State Park is closed. Why? Aggressive mountain lions.

And Trail Ridge Road, one of Rocky Mountain National Park's favorite features, is closed for the season.

By the way, Oregon and California aren't the only states dealing with wildfires. The Cameron wildfire here is only about 47% contained -- and we've been having lots of wind lately. Not good.

* * * * * *

Joe Biden's civil rights record. Let's put it this's considerably different than you would think or have heard. And this comes from Shaun King!

Musicians who hated their own hit songs.   And were forced to play them over and over and OVER, no doubt. 

Want to buy an Irish pub? It's going up for auction.

When marketing ads work too well on you -- what next?  (I Pick Up Pennies, you're not the only one to struggle with this -- especially when the words 'sale' and 'clearance' are used.)

King Carlos of Spain -- what a great fall. And a sad one, too.

Cheesy sausage gravy -- perfect for biscuits, thanks to Taste of Home. Also from them:

Overnight rolls.

Anna Sorokin is going to be paroled in February! My favorite grifter will soon be out of the can, probably looking for fresh victims. (After all, according to her, she didn't do anything wrong.) She'll have a slight delay, since she'll be deported back to Germany first. I wonder how quickly she'll scam her way back into the U.S.?

Is there a crash coming? This advisor thinks so -- and why. (From Wealth Advisors)

Have a great week. 

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.