Monday, October 5, 2020

Vice-Presidential Debate Wednesday Night, Oct. 7

 While President Trump and Mr. Biden take a breather, this one's between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris -- the only time, by the way, that you'll be able to compare these two people's style and approaches firsthand. 

Harris is an experienced, intelligent woman who has had many interesting things to say. Like her running mate, she's a multi-millionaire. 

Pence is an experienced, intelligent man who has also had many interesting things to say. Unlike his boss, however, he is known for his ability to communicate in true bipartisan fashion. Like Harris, he also had political experience before assuming the vice presidency. (He was a congressman and governor of Indiana; she was California's Attorney General and is currently a senator.)  Unlike the other three, Pence is not particularly wealthy. 

There are other differences between the two -- but I'm guessing that will become particularly evident as the night rolls on. I'd be very surprised if it degenerated into another playground brawl. Why not take a minute and click on the links above, to read more about their backgrounds and experience? 

The major networks are all planning on airing the debate -- 9 p.m. Eastern Time (that's 7 p.m. for us Westerners, and 6 p.m. for Californians) Wednesday, Oct. 7. 

You shouldn't miss it, either.

Go here for more.

UPDATE:  A fairly well-mannered (and feisty) debate on both sides. If the worst thing Hollywood and other pundits can ridicule VP Pence for is the fly that landed on his head... I think he can handle that. Some even wondered if the fly was registered to vote. (And by the way, AOC, it's VICE PRESIDENT Pence to you...)

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