Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Things I Don't Understand -- Politically Speaking

 I love all the strange parts of our wacky, mixed-up world. (Then again, I love this stuff, to begin with.) 

 Right now, in the heat of the election's final weeks, every opinion is on full -- and often loud -- display. Here are some that should amuse, shock and surprise you -- whoever you're planning to vote for. (Take a look at the 2016 Presidential version, if you need a refresher course.)

And while we're at it -- will SOMEONE please take President Trump's Twitter account away from him?


I still find this conclusion fascinating, considering... this.
Not that Mrs. Clinton ever did this, back then or even now. Naah. 

One of my contacts says this is an implanted device to help 
him with stuttering. I could find no reference to this, however. 

Every single one of this year's candidates
 has had similar "faces" to different people...

My favorite Nick Sandmann cartoon

I've tried to be an equal opportunity offender, in spite of my natural tendency toward conservatism -- and noticing that anti-Trump articles in the media far outnumber the anti-Biden ones. (Even though I had similar misgivings about both candidates in 2016.) So if I didn't lean far enough for your taste...who knows, I may be redeemable. Someday. Maybe.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.