Saturday, October 10, 2020

Monday (er, Sunday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Boy, Is THIS Stuff Random...

I was all over the map this week -- not because I'd planned it, but because during my other work, I stumbled across all sorts of random Stuff that I thought you would enjoy. Unfortunately, in spite of trying to avoid it all, I got to wade through some political (er) detritus, thanks in part to the Vice Presidential debate and all sorts of odd news (some of it true, some of it not) connected with either Trump/Pence, Biden/Harris...or Trump's Coronavirus diagnosis. Not to mention "Twinkletoes," Michigan's Governor Whitmer.

      Life just gets stranger and stranger. Now we've voted, it might be better to just step away from the news for a while.

A helpful note: I've surrounded all the political Stuff with * * * * * brackets -- so you can skip them, if you like. Not that I'd blame you.

"Dollaig Shona Duit;" what does that mean?  (From Irish Central)

Nine lessons from millionaires who are really good with money.  Lots of advertisements here, but some are worth exploring further. (I'm not sure how they connect with millionaires, though -- that's never explained.)

Some very funny street posters.

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No, the Trump family did not make a big bucks profit on Regeneron, after President Trump started taking it... but a director of the company and another executive did. However, according to NBC News, they sold a million dollars worth of stock two days after Trump announced he was taking it. The stock jumped immediately after Trump's announcement-- which makes sense, quite frankly. (Since this was public knowledge, I don't think you could accuse the sellers of insider trading, either.)

     According to the NY Times, the Trump trust did own stock in Regeneron in 2017 -- not that much by their standards -- but it wasn't listed in the 2020 filing, suggesting it had already been sold.

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Mrs. Clinton STILL does not believe she lost the 2016 election. Nope, it's never happened before -- tell that to five US Presidents who lost the popular vote, but won the election.  (Including two that lost both the popular vote and the electoral college vote.) More than 3 1/2 years later, and with this term nearly finished, perhaps she should let it go??

    Maybe she'll feel better this time around, now that Shaquille O'Neal is voting. For the first time ever. 

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The mother of the Chinese viral scientist who says that Covid-19 was man-made on purpose by the Chinese Communist Party... has been arrested. That's right - punish the family members. 

'Have you ever found a valuable item at a garage sale or such...and mentioned that to the seller before you bought it?' Another interesting question/answer session from Quora.

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Trump and white supremacists: the straight scoop.

   Please do not bring up the Michigan group that decided to kidnap and murder Governor Whitmer, among other politicians. She may act foolishly -- but I would never advocate this for anyone, even silly politicians. Never. I believe Trump would have the same response. In fact, these guys made it extremely clear that they hated Trump...just one more politician who deserved to die. Thirteen have been arrested; makes you wonder who got away. One of the men had been pardoned for another offense by the Democratic governor of Delaware; I truly hope the gov wasn't on the man's list!

Speaking of Governor Whitmer: she lost her fight over Covid restrictions with the Michigan Supreme Court.  No matter; she's got 28 more days to keep the emergency measures in place, and she intends to use them -- right up through Oct. 27.  So much for the Michigan legislature having any say in the matter...

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The Lincoln story from Wednesday night's debate wasn't exactly true.  Oopsies. At least it was vividly told.

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The whole 'focusing on the fly' business during the V.P. debate is just wacky -- to the point that USA Today, when asking who 'won the debate,' didn't even bother to include Mike Pence's name. (But hey, the fly got a slot!)

   Here's another weird and interesting twist. Guess who's the Washington bureau chief for USA Today? Susan Page -- the person who moderated Wednesday's debate.

Were you surprised that the issue of the President's age came up in the V-P debate? Donald Trump is the oldest to become President at 70, surpassing Ronald Reagan just shy of a year. Reagan, however, was the oldest to finish office -- he completed his second term a few weeks before his 78th birthday. In case you're wondering, if Trump is elected, he could surpass Reagan's record. Joe Biden has already done that, however -- his 78th birthday is not long after Election Day. Bernie Sanders could also give 'em a run for the money -- he just turned 79. (Hilary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren are 72 and 71, respectively.)

     And the youngest President? It's not John F. Kennedy, but Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt gained office through McKinley's 1901 assassination; he was 42. Kennedy was 43, 9 months older, when he became President.

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Ten strange and unexpected discoveries that don't 'fit.'  (From Ancient Origins)

An interesting profile on one of New Zealand's best-publicized fighters -- his 'intro' includes a dance routine that uses elements of the haka! We Americans wouldn't normally recognize this traditional dance...but New Zealanders and Australians would, right away. Kewl.

Sleeping in airports -- there's a whole website dedicated to this! It features the best places, good lounges, where you can buy tickets, etc etc. (But DIA doesn't seem to be included.)

A Thai hotel agrees not to press charges against a tourist who wrote a crummy review...provided he writes an apology to several places. (Which he did.) Turns out, as always, that there's much more to this -- the guy apparently had a focused campaign against the hotel for weeks, because they charged him a $16 corkage fee for bringing in his own liquor -- and he didn't like it. Go figure. (And read the story -- it's fascinating.)

A fall garden cleanup. I miss my garden... (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

A portable pod that you wear while traveling. Keeps you safely isolated, on a bus, a car or plane. Sort of. (I am not making this up. You really can buy one.)

Some unsettling notes and trends about the stock market, as of late September. Nothing to get terrified about yet -- but definitely cautious. (You should never be that anxious. Remember the Warren Buffett quote: " fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful."

A BLUE squirrel??  Yup. Maybe he was dyed?

Blooming Onion bites...and you make them.  (From Delish)

(Their regular onion ring recipe is here.)

The first Harry Potter book is now worth tens of thousands.

Led Zeppelin wins its copyright battle about "Stairway to Heaven."

"Everything must go." And Jack Black means it! 

(The video ends with 'to be continued.' What else is coming off?)

A 41-year-old solicitor loses his bid to have his parents permanently support him -- and has to pay their court costs, as well. Poor baby...he's part of:

23 entitled people who've lost their grip on reality. 

Luci Baines Johnson's wedding cake recipe. Only hers was eight feet tall... you might want to substitute a Sock It to Me sour cream coffeecake, instead. Also: a very interesting 29+page 'copycat' section for your favorite restaurant and brand goodies. (Thanks for both, cdkitchen)

100 Irish first names and their meanings...the female names, especially, sound lovely. (From Irish Central)

You don't have to win a financial argument -- prove your point by getting rich, instead. (From Financial Samurai)

Chicken chili -- microwaved in a mug!  (From Hungry Girl)

Finally, somebody else who loves tall guys that aren't bone-thin and emaciated-looking (Not like Gucci's latest line, where they look like they dressed straight out of the dumpster.) Normally I'm not a fan, but in this case, you go, Rihanna.

Repurposing thrift shop goodies -- including adding painted details to art! (Like you-know-who...)

(Go here to bid on this great piece of repurposed art.) Speaking of:

The oldest Bigfoot photo ever?? Be sure to read the commentary, including what was written on the back of the photo. (P.S. It's definitely not a bear.)

Some of the finest moments of respect shown in sports. (Watch it with the sound turned off, for maximum impact. I needed this...)

Caramel pecan pie bars. Gooey, crumbly and delicious.  (From Foodtalk)

Joke of the Day:  A man decides to get rid of his wife's cat. But the cat strikes back!

Have a great week. If you can, walk through some leaves -- it will feel (and smell) wonderful.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...