Saturday, October 3, 2020

By Popular Demand...

 Who told the most lies or made the most exaggerations during Tuesday night's Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

Well, it depends who you ask. So, in the interests of fairness, here are several sources' opinions on the subject. Many of these are influenced by personal biases, both liberal and conservative. (Funny, I thought journalists were supposed to be above such things. Silly me.)

Normally, I'd say 'Enjoy...' but comparing them isn't going to be that much fun. 

Here's Breitbart's thinking on the subject.

Politico's take is here.

Here's the New York Times' version.

The Washington Post holds forth.

The Dan Bongino Show.    (Or Sean Hannity's look at it, if you prefer.)

Fox News has its say.


International Business Times.

The Associated Press weighs in.   More from the AP here.

Yahoo Entertainment's review of the debate -- Trump's words before he actually spoke them. (Way to plan ahead!) Then again, CNN did the same thing about some of Biden's assumed claims during the debate.   Before the debate actually happened.

and my personal favorite for straightforward, impartial coverage (ahem):


Even has an opinion. 

(I couldn't find a similar assessment on ... but at the very least, you can see Joe's Vision.)

As if that wasn't good enough, CNN has more fun attacking Fox News and Sean Hannity than Donald Trump. 

   (Or maybe all three.) 

Of course, both Biden and Trump behaved like perfect gentlemen during the debate.

By the way, I just read that Joe and Jill Biden have tested negative for Covid-19, after the news that President and Melania Trump, along with a batch of their advisors, tested positive. 

    Thank God. I mean that literally.

Send me links, Gentle Readers, and I'll add them to the mix. 

You're welcome. My pleasure. Sort of.

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