Thursday, April 15, 2021

An Important Anniversary...And Other Updates

 ... happened for us a few days ago.

It marks the date, a year ago, we finally landed in London --  a month after our world cruise was cancelled, midcruise. Yes, it took us a month to get home. At least they didn't just dump us off in Indonesia. (Big of them, huh.) 

We finally got home April 19, after a week stuck at Heathrow, and were met at the airport by Daughter #2 and Son #1. They parked our truck, with doggies and a few weeks of groceries inside, and moved away. Then it was airhugs, wistful looks...and two weeks of quarantine.

     That seems like an eternity ago. 

Have we gotten any of the money promised for the cancellation? Not a cent. 

Do we regret going on the world cruise, in the first place? Absolutely not. 

Although we missed many of the countries we signed up for (Japan, China, Vietnam, India, Israel and others), it still was an exciting trip. I learned so much. We met interesting people who continue to be friends. I even stepped up my cooking skills a bit. (Some of our friends were the chefs on board, who were generous with advice.) The Nellie Bly dream is still alive... although technically we DID go around the world.

    We just didn't stop much. 

(This kept coming to mind.)

Will we go on another cruise? I hope so. The Caribbean cruise we booked for this spring was cancelled. (Yes, we did get the money back from that one.) Maybe when all the Covid brouhaha dies down. We'll try again then. 

I still wish CMV would give us our refund, though. A promise is a promise.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We made a decision. 

First comes wandering in Arizona -- then we'll head west to Tucson next week, meeting up with Daughter #2 and Son #1. The annual gem show is finishing up, which means lots of popping in and out of hotel rooms (turned into showrooms by their renters), bargaining and learning more about rocks -- all at a breakneck pace. Hopefully it doesn't get too hot. Or we don't get the horrible flu we ended up, with a few years ago. (I'm pretty sure we caught it at the gem show.)

Then we're on to searching for lost treasure. The spot's some hours away, out in the boonies -- in New Mexico. 

More soon. 

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