Sunday, April 18, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: A New Change least for us.

     We left McNeal, AZ with a bit of a sad backward glance -- after staying there for two months, you really do get to know people better. We were fond of our young friends, but have added a few more to the mix. Glad we did this. We didn't do what we expected to do -- but I think we helped out, just the same. 

   Spent a couple of days in the Pinery Canyon, in the Arizona mountains, resting. We had a campfire; roasted hot dogs, naturally. And our 'hot dogs' had fun running around and Sniffing Things. (small ones, at least by their reactions.) 

This is April, by the way -- not fall.

     Today, we headed for Tucson, via Willcox and Benson. In Willcox, a bigger-than-usual railroad crossing caused everything to fly up in the air -- and apparently twisted a wheel on the trailer. We were going to get new tires anyways in Tucson -- so may get them now. Still, I wasn't expecting to be sitting in an RV park in Benson, waiting for the repair place to open in the morning. 

     Here's the strange thing. Ever since we bought it, our electric fireplace has never worked quite right, 'flame'-wise. Now it does! Apparently the 'big bang' knocked a stray element back in place. Go figure. 

On to Tucson -- the gem show -- and meeting up with our wonderful kids, Daughter #2 and Son #1. We've missed them.

                                           Patience, patience...

Casa Bonita is reopening 'soon!' This goofy Colorado landmark is a restaurant and an experience -- all in one. But it had been closed for more than a year, and its parent chain filed bankruptcy. A fundraiser by locals seems to have put it back in business. 

      If you live in Colorado, why not make a visit there to help out? (I plan to, as soon as we get home.)

It's STILL okay to riot and loot, according to a BLM activitist -- because that produces results. Shades of A Modest Proposal.  (Maybe we could all meet over at Maxine Waters' house.)

The 'court-packing' initiative isn't going to make it to the House floor -- because Nancy Pelosi isn't going to put it out there for a vote. (She wants to wait for the report released by the commission.) I am watching this with great interest...

"Have you ever been rejected for a job -- and later, found there was something wrong?" Quora readers analyze this-- and often, they're grateful later on for the rejection. 

Ten famous people who refused to allow segregation to happen on their watch.  One of the examples: CU's Football team -- hooray! (Go Buffs!!!)  Good for these people...and groups.  (From Ranker)

A Florida swimmer in trouble is a chain of people from the shore!

Two women try to cash a million-dollar bill -- at a Dollar General in Tennessee. (The lady doing the paying said that a church sent it to her, to buy giftcards for the homeless. I am not making this up.)

A Smith College cafeteria worker, falsely accused of racism, speaks out. (And she never got an apology, either. Go figure.)

Nearly 10% of the 66-million people vaccinated for Covid got it, anyways. Hmmm...maybe it was a variation? (Records don't say this is true, by the way.)

Is this guy "Individual X," the mysterious thief that stole all that Bitcoin?

A chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake. To make yourself.   (From Karie's Kitchen, via Foodtalk)

Drone photos take a look at one holding site for Mexican border crossers. This one's in Donna, TX.

Did CNN really deliberately peddle anti-Trump propaganda...or was Charlie Chester, its technical director, just showing off to a date? You'll want to read this, as well; Covid and Biden's health are discussed, too. (CNN isn't commenting, so far.)

Bernie Madoff died last week -- but his wife Ruth will be okay financially. She's got adequate housing.  (Condolences to her. Whatever he was, I think she really did love him.) Some interesting things are coming out regarding Ruth's spending back in the day, as well.

 A Black Panther 'soldier' dies in prison. He spent more than 51 years there. (The link tells you why.)

A new definition of "bipartisan support."  Wow, my education is growing by leaps and bounds.

Sheryl Underwood: "I feel like I have PTSD," she says. (She wasn't the one forced to quit, by the way.) Honestly, "The View" is a huge mess right now.

Have a great week. And by all means, take a day off and do some wandering. It feels wonderful.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...