Saturday, April 10, 2021

Just Because You Don't Live Near the Mexico Border...

...doesn't mean you shouldn't be paying attention to the burgeoning illegal immigrant problem.

Nancy Pelosi's recent remarks suggested "we're on a good path at the border under President Joe Biden..." She then proceeded to blame the current congestion on Trump's administration. Surprise, surprise.

The statistics are sobering. In March alone, a record 18,890 unaccompanied minors crossed the border. (These are Newsweek's numbers, Gentle Readers. Not Fox News.) These are U.S. Customs and Border Protection numbers, which they began publishing in 2009. Previous records were in June 2014 (10,620) and May 2019 (11,494). March's numbers are close to double the children gathered in February -- and more than five times from March 202. 


This figure doesn't even count the adults crossing over. According to Newsweek, CPB had 168,195 "encounters with migrants" in March; 52,904 of these were with families. Roughly 33% of the people were expelled, and the others were allowed to stay and pursue asylum. Another data source says that figure is wrong -- as in underestimated. More than 172,000 illegal immigrants were logged in March along -- a 71% JUMP from February alone. 

These figures, by the way,  are the highest in NEARLY 15 YEARS.

Yep, Mrs. Pelosi, the government is certainly handling this problem well. It becomes even more problematic when you consider three items:

*First, government laws specify that people should be held for processing no longer than 72 hours. This is not happening all the time -- too many people to process this quickly.

*Second, President Biden and co. seem blissfully uncaring -- of just plain clueless. Of course, Biden's widely-publicized "open door" policy has suddenly reversed itself. Vice President Harris is supposed to have been taxed with dealing with the flood of people. The only problem: she hasn't bothered to visit any border towns herself, explaining that she's busy with meetings elsewhere in the country. And those will solve the issues. 

I'm sure President Biden also thought he was being funny when he said they were all coming because they wanted to meet him -- and "I'm a nice guy." Now he's stated, "I can say quite clearly, don't cover over... don't leave your city, or town, or community," No doubt everyone approaching the border will follow instructions, turn right around and go home. 

*And finally, these figures don't include those who manage to slip by Border Patrol officers into the country. No one's counting them. And because there are definite gaps in the wall -- and rivers like the Rio Grande -- it's quite possible to make it unseen. 

At first, photos and/or visits by officials were denied. (They were finally allowed, but at least one GOP senator who visited was told to get rid of his photos.) Even before he left office, a serious attempt was made to accuse Trump's administration of "cages for kids" -- until it was pointed out that Obama's administration had put these in place. (Even the photos used to 'prove it' were taken during Obama's time. Now those areas are packed with juveniles, who need food, clothes, blankets, vaccinations, teachers, etc. Do American children get those same privileges?

As the Brick enjoys saying, "Not bloody likely." 

There is a further wrinkle to this story -- one that I'm not sure we would have even considered in Colorado. But it's of critical importance to our friends here in the McNeal area...only 20 miles from Douglas, AZ, and the 'Wall,' and Agua Prieta, just south of it.

Where do the illegals that manage to cross over from Mexico go next? 

It's straight desert from there. I know -- because we've been driving in it for nearly two months. Hot, dry sagebrush, dust rising with every step. No water. 

And people who live near the border, especially those near popular crossing areas, are having to deal repeatedly with these groups -- who are often hot, exhausted and desperate. 

Sometimes they've been out in the heat, trying to make their way. Sometimes they've been dropped off on the road by coyote smugglers, who figure their job is now done.

So where do they go for help? To one of the ranches they're straggling by. According to Texas ranchers, the crime rate is worst they've seen in a long time. (Desperation will do that to you.)

During our time in McNeal, we have gotten to know some very nice older people. Many are widows who have lived on their places for decades. Now their partner is gone, they're alone.

Out in the country. 

Within just a few miles of the Mexican border. 

See where I'm going on this? They've already had decades of experience with illegals occasionally stopping to beg for water or food. And they've taken them in, fed them, put them up -- and often called the Border Patrol to pick them up. 

But what if that group of Mexicans doesn't want to inform the Border Patrol? What's to stop them from making sure the very nice lady who just fed them... doesn't call?

So far, these people have not been hurt. But they -- and their families -- are more than a little concerned that with the increasing surge of illegal migrants (some of them on the terrorist list), they'll be in serious trouble. Yet they cannot let these people die from exposure and lack of food and water, either.

The possibility of danger is very real, not only to our new friends -- but the people who care about them. 

If President Biden's home was out in the desert, a few miles from Mexico, with illegal immigrants wandering by regularly...would he invite everybody in? 

How about Vice President Harris? Would she be just as eager -- or at least, would she show more concern than she has recently? UPDATE: Now, according to the White House Press Secretary, Harris isn't 'the' person to be involved with immigration issues -- she's just the 'point' person for dealing with the countries involved. Not the people.

Mrs. Pelosi, maybe? 

Yep, I thought so. 

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