Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Denny Gresham

 We're in Lordsburg, NM, now, hunkered down at the New Mexico Welcome Center. We stopped at the library here to do some research...and the Brick started feeling really ill. Time to stop for the night.

It's not Covid, just some nasty flu. Fortunately, after an afternoon and night's sleep, he's feeling better. 

What did set us back, though, was the news of Denny Gresham's murder. 

We've known Denny since babyhood. His parents played and sang with us on Worship Team, and I often covered their insurance office when they were on vacation. They were -- and are -- multi-talented people who were close friends for many years. 

Their son Denny was smart, resourceful -- and had the same sense of humor I loved so much in his parents. He moved to Sheridan, WY; one of his jobs was designing car washes! He'd been supposed to pick up a friend from the airport, and never showed up. Turns out he'd been accosted by a couple at the campground he was staying at -- and shot, after they took his van away from him. 

The couple crashed the van -- and both fled. The man killed himself during a shootout with police. The woman has been arrested. 

What a waste. What a tragedy. They killed a wonderful guy. 

Denny leaves his wife Megan and two small sons, 5 and 2. If you can, please consider contributing to their Go Fund Me account.

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Investing Advice: Uncertain Times

 -- from one of the Great Ones, Warren Buffett. *Stay calm.  and: *Don't let fear control you.       (or over-optimism, for that matter....