Monday, October 11, 2021

Huge Solar Flare Due Today!

 At least, that's what the pundits are saying for Oct. 11. 

All sorts of interesting things could happen, including communication mixups and weather changes.

 The best part, though, is that some areas will be able to see the Northern Lights. ('As low as New York from Wisconsin to Washington state.') 

     Darn, that still leaves out Colorado.

Take a look at this graphic, from the link.

More here, from a different source.

Update:  some nice Northern Lights photos, from around the world.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your words of wisdom. Thank you. I have inherited old quilts (1800's - early 1900's) made by my great grandmother and grandmother. They have been used and not in good condition. I have no children or close relatives to give quilts. What should I do with these old used quilts? Thank you Karen

Cindy Brick said...

Karen, thank you for your kind words. They are very much appreciated.

Do you have friends who appreciate quilts? Someone who is dear to you, regardless whether they're related or not? I would consider gifting them with a quilt.

Another option is to donate the quilts to a museum that values textiles -- the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum is a good option in the Denver, CO area, but there are a number of other textile museums in the country. E-mail me at, and I can advise.

Thank you for writing.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.