Sunday, October 31, 2021

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Waking Up A Bit

 We've been in Michigan for a week now, staying with The Mama. After a few weeks of real uncertainty, she slowly began recovering. A few days ago, she moved into a rehab facility, hoping eventually to return to the care facility she began living in some weeks ago. 

     Can she do it? We remain dedicated to helping her find out.

     Meanwhile, we're living in a corner of the barnyard of the parents' farm. Much of the time, skies have been rainy and gray. (Not that we've noticed that much; hospital rooms are not known for being cheery and welcoming. Although they try.)  Some of the roads we've been using are still in vivid fall colors, which are wonderful. 

     We'll continue to spend a lot of time in the rehab facility-- but I also need to return to finishing up reports and restoration work that was due when we had to leave suddenly. This weekend, I also made popcorn balls and set out a basin of candy. That pleased The Mama -- she is known for her wonderful popcorn balls. (Look for a recipe for them this week.) 

Top ten haunted rooms around the world.  Nothing from the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO?? (Oh well, Listverse)

Is a global minimum tax rate the answer to businesses who don't pay their fair share?

Comments about the 'Sally Hemings cousins' as compared to the white 'Thomas Jefferson cousins' -- from someone who's related.  (From Simple Slug)

President Biden once again only answers questions from a prepared list..."what I'm told is..." This differs slightly from his other favored comment, "I'm not supposed to take questions..."

     Can you see previous Presidents saying this? 

Best finds found at thrift stores or garage sales. Another interesting question posed on Quora.

Behind-the-scenes stories about the tv show "The Munsters," by its child star.

The origins and real meaning of "Let's go, Brandon..."  I had no idea what this REALLY meant. Guess I really was 'living in a cave,' as one of the commentators say. And of course, ex-President Trump was treated with such respect. (No f--- words applied to him. Sure. I believe that.) Updatean interesting fashion response to AOC's 'Tax the Rich' dress, which AOC wore to at a very expensive Met Gala she was attending out of 'duty.' Sure. I believe that, too.

A $200 upgrade that really makes a difference to the view from the front curb.

A red-painted gold mask turns out to have been painted, indeed -- with blood.   Figures...makes me wonder if these were also decorated similarly:

Recently-found gold artifacts connected with the Silk Road.

Fake heiress Anna Sorokin is still in ICE custody.     It's about dingdang time this scammer was treated seriously.

Hidden photos from history that were not meant to be seen on-screen.

"In praise of staying up late."  One of the best essays I think I've ever done.

"Holding it together:" a fascinating look at the history of fasteners!

September's garden report. I love reading Jeannie's monthly takes on how her (extensive) garden is doing.  (From Get Me to the Country)

A fascinating interview with finance guru Dave Ramsey.

Are you a HENRY? (High income producer, not rich yet)  Financial Samurai wants to know.

Scary and creative Halloween decorations -- save these for next year.

A secretary for one of the Nazi death camps is, in her 90s, now on trial.

Yes, this man IS Sitting Bull's great-grandson. DNA proved it.

"Supernatural America: a traveling art exhibit on...well, you know. 

'Weave Right Away' free quilt pattern -- this has all sorts of possibilities, including the basic version shown here.

Managing international travel while you're still a student.  (From Don't Stop Living)

A flying motorbike you can (eventually) afford!

Know who's to blame for the spike in Minneapolis violent crime? According to Rep. Omar, it's the police!

    This is the same representative who campaigned to slash the Minneapolis police budget. (Which happened: $8 million worth.) Now:

In a speech given at the town hall event in Minneapolis on Saturday, Omar ripped into the 'dysfunctional' Minneapolis police department and blamed them for the city's rising crime rates.

'What we must also recognize is that the reduction in policing currently in our city and the lawlessness that is happening is due to two things,' Omar said.

'One, the police have chosen to not fulfil their oath of office and to provide the public safety they are owed to the citizens they serve...The Minneapolis police department is the most dysfunctional police department in our state and probably in the country.'"

Well, now you know, America.

Have a great week.


Jeannie said...

I am honored! Thank you for referencing my blog in your post. Everyone is welcome to visit now that I spent the evening completely rewriting it after your questions. I was quite vague...which is normally not like me. Usually, I can't stop talking, and talking, and talking...

Now to express my opinion: as for the turncoat Omar, I hope the police never respond to any 911 calls from her home.

And, I hope your Mom improves.


Cindy Brick said...

Thanks for answering the questions, Jeannie...guess I am just nosy.

Personally, I hope that funds for Omar's "personal security" just 'happen' to evaporate! That would also solve the issue.

thanks so much for writing. I continue to enjoy your blogposts very much.


  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.