Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Processing [Things]

    Like elk meat. 

The Brick's fine achievement -- and warming weather, after a brief snow shower last Wednesday -- meant that we had to work on this. Fast. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we cut meat, trimmed and packaged it.  Monday, we grind burger. Daughter #1 is coming over with the grinder, plus ten pounds of pork fat to add to the mix. Elk is too lean to fry up in burgers, otherwise -- it just breaks apart.

    Then back to work. Other work, that is.

    We have several trips to the airport this week, to pick up our landlord friends plus Daughter #2 and Son #1. A number of reports, and a restoration, need to be finished off. We have several other jobs that must be completed before we can head to Michigan.  Time to get at it. 

Then maybe we can rest a bit.

(Beautiful Seasons/Facebook)

Celebrities who lived in haunted houses.

The Art Institute of Chicago 'fires' its docents. They say they were just discontinuing a program -- the docents (mostly white, upper income -- and unpaid) say the Institute was getting rid of them to show their commitment to 'diversity.' My own feeling: they're going to be sorry, when the next year's donations show a serious drop. These people often showed their commitment with money, as well.

Four Broncos food specials...not that they're doing well enough for you to take advantage, but still.

BLT mini-sliders.  More work than larger sliders, but these are cute.  (From Bensa Bacon Lovers Society)

Pumpkin history -- and some unusual recipes.  (From Surviving and Thriving)

Who has the closest access (and direct influence) to President Biden's office -- and what that says about the administration. Fascinating. (This isn't from Fox News either, Gentle Readers -- it's pure CNN.)

Christmas trees -- turned into spooky Halloween trees! (Our neighbor used to transform hers into both a 'fall tree' and a 'Broncos tree.')

A very strange Subway worker who thought it would be just fine to dump food on the floor and walk on it, as well as drink out of Gatorade bottles he then replaced in the cooler. His excuse? He's developing an audience for his music and filmwork, and wanted to catch their attention. (He got it, all right.) He also made sure to give his notice before he uploaded the videos. Too bad the boss caught on, and deducted $200 from his final paycheck to help pay for the damage.

Speaking of fast food... one of the funniest Wendy's commercials ever. (If you weren't paying attention during the Eighties, you may not remember this -- but 'Where's the Beef' was one of the catch phrases then.)

*Would you buy 100 tacos for a first date...then get stiffed with the bill? Not the brightest crayon in the box, I would say -- but at least, she snagged most of the tacos before taking off.  

*Another fun date -- a guy who enjoyed asking girls out, then 'dined and dashed.' P.S. Ironically, he was never charged -- instead, he got a three-month sentence and years of probation for not paying his hotel bill! Warning: that's close to ending now. He may be back up to his old tricks soon.

The lieutenant colonel who was in the brig for criticizing military action in Afghanistan -- pled guilty. 

"Soap is cheap."  One blogger's frugal grandma, remembered with love.  (From The Frugal Girl)

Thirty entitled brats; some of them actually get theirs.

Pecan pie bars -- oooh.   (From Betty Crocker)

Dogs booted out of daycare -- and why. Prepare to laugh...especially if you've got 'take charge' types like Ruby.

I'd  kick butts and take names...

Crazy cake -- no butter, eggs or milk!  Pumpkin puree does the honors, instead. (From Strangers & Pilgrims On Earth)

Palestinian kids, on their way daily to school, must be wary of settlers and soldiers' threats, catcalls and searches...

Colorado is tied for the state with the lowest amount of shark attacks: zero. Hey, ya gotta brag about something...

The Afghan interpreter who worked for Biden's visit in 2008 has finally escaped, along with his family -- thanks to vets from the Arizona National Guard.

A Colorado bull elk finally gets its neck ornament -- a tire -- removed, after two years and several attempts by Colorado Parks and Wildlife rangers. If this guy looks a little skinny -- there's a reason. Hopefully he can bulk up some before it really gets cold.

Another Colorado elk story for you...this one got tangled up in netting. Fortunately, they managed to free him before things got worse.

Manatees in Florida are getting supplemental food to help keep them going. 

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.