Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Monday (er, Tuesday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: In Hospital

      Not us. The Mama. But for the hours we've spent there, we might as well be checked in, too. 

     She has stabilized, thankfully. Today, she had a battery of new tests to try and figure out what's going on. She is getting stronger -- she can hold a cup on her own again, and her speech is much clearer. (Although she got confused now and then, she was never completely 'out of it.' Another blessing.) 

     The fifth-wheel is parked in the barnyard, and we've started to put things away. A lot of stuff fell around, thanks to Michigan's incredibly bumpy roads. Fortunately, none of the cupboards opened. (Memo to Governor Whitmer: repairing a couple of miles' worth at the state border, and near Lansing, is NOT a fulfillment of your promise to "fix the d--- roads.")

     So we tidy up...and we sit at the hospital. The Mama is not a big talker right now -- and only likes a few tv shows. She is not happy if we read, or use the computer while we're there. (Though the Brick can get away with doing it on his cellphone.) So we mostly sit. Talk, if she feels like it. (Sometimes she does. Sometimes she doesn't.)

And it's rained and rained and rained. Fortunately, it's much clearer today.

      Such is life at present.


A 'wolf cut' with bangs -- how to do it yourself. (Actually, it's quite cute.) 

A bunch of very funny dogshamings. Including this one:

Has a celebrity ever helped you, without realizing who they were?  Interesting Quora answers.

If you liked Clara Peller in her Wendy's commercial debut, you'll love her 'moving' experience with rabbits:

Don't forget this guy -- William Melchart-Dinkel. He's the guy who encouraged others to commit suicide, and pretended to join in. (He later said he wasn't doing anything wrong, since those people wanted to commit suicide, anyways...and he enjoyed 'the thrill of the hunt.' Sick.) 

Betty Crocker is 100 years old -- so she's celebrating by offering 30 Best Cake Recipes. Happy Birthday, Betty!

Two red stags decide to join in on a kids' football match. 

The NIH admits it DID Covid research. (Inadvertently, it says.) Oops, Dr. Fauci...better stop denying this.

Strange ocean mysteries.   (From Listverse)  Also:

'Dire' predictions for 2021-- including a supposed prediction by Nostradamus that California's going to disappear off the face of the earth in late November, thanks to an earthquake. (The Brick cheered when I told him... Bad Boy. I sure hope The Rock is available for rescues!)

Katherine Hamburger and her one hundred quilts.  (From Barbara Brackman's Material Culture)

A travel report on Canada's Cape Breton Island.  (From Millenial Revolution)

In honor of the Brick's latest coup, the twenty largest elk documented. So far, at least...

Seven crazy Colorado laws you probably didn't know about.

A Crusader's sword, recovered by a diver in...Israel!

In honor of Halloween:  the ten most disturbing burial sites ever found. So far, that is. (Thanks, Listverse)

Things you can do NOW to help in a future recession.  Classic wisdom from The Prudent Homemaker.

Have a good week.

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  More kitty memes here, courtesy of Bored Panda.