(Plus more of same, if you like this stuff. Thanks, Bored Panda.)
Last week was largely taken up with dealing with the Mama's funeral service, arranging for specifics...and starting to deal with her estate.
The kids flew home on Saturday afternoon.
We, along with our family, came home exhausted from the service on Friday. I brought something else home: some kind of weird flu that may or may not be Covid. Fever, achy bones, headache...but I still can taste things. (I just don't feel like eating, that's all.) The Brick has been covering the bases so I can stay in bed and rest. What a guy.
And yes, it's supposed to stay cold and snowy.
Pennies from heaven? Actually, much more than that.
Athletes who live like kings -- and those who live like commoners.
"Why I changed my mind about guns." Be sure to watch long enough to hear the list of countries who de-armed their populations -- and what happened next. It's illuminating.
A Tennessee school district votes to ditch the Holocaust comic 'Maus' because it shows nudity (once) and uses swear words. (Not that ANYONE was forced to strip naked in the death camps, and forced into the gas chambers with blows and swear words. Unh-unh.) Their decision inspired others to put the Pulitzer-Prize-winning 'Maus' on top of Amazon's bestseller list.
If you have never read this adult comic, you need to. It's visually and emotionally stunning. And an important way to make sure we never forget the horror of the Holocaust. (Thank you, Cousin Amanda Decker, for giving me the heads-up on this.)
What odd request did this "Wheel of Fortune" winner make, after she won big? (Btw, it was granted...)
He flunked out the first time -- so this guy (aged 30) went back to the SAME SCHOOL. And no one noticed!
The rich Korean influencer...who wasn't. (How did she get caught? Wearing fakes.)
"What popular food in your country is being messed up when it's made in other countries?" (I'm betting the U.S. is famous for this -- we're always adapting things.)
An eagle fight -- on the nest! (I've been having a lot of fun checking in on the South Carolina eagle cam...this is just more of same, from another cam.
This military training technique is supposed to help you fall asleep in two minutes. Maybe...but I'm skeptical.
"Ever had a kid kick the back of your seat during an airplane flight?" If so, what did you do?
Have a good week.
We were all exhausted after The Mama's funeral service. My brother did an amazing job, reading her obituary and scripture -- and staying calm all through the memories that people mentioned during the lunch afterwards. (He hosted the proceedings.)
By the time the Brick and I made it home, I was aching all over, with a pounding headache and a fever that comes and goes. We wonder if it's Covid...it certainly is one of the stranger flus I've ever had.
That meant cancelling everything for the weekend - and heading for bed. It should be fairly quiet anyways, with people returning home (including our kids) and phone calls/texts dying down.
We all need the rest.
P.S. UPDATE: It was Covid. And I graciously passed it on to the Brick a few days later, poor guy.
If you'd like to watch, here's the link. (Her obituary is here.)
Service starts at 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time Friday, Jan. 28.
One more, in a series of odd months.
We're still in Michigan, which has had continuing gray weather. Some sun, it's true -- but a lot of slush and general dreariness. We spent many hours at the hospital or rehab center, staying with The Mama -- which meant other tasks were neglected. The dogs were left alone a great deal, too...but it couldn't be helped. The Mama was our main priority. Now that she has gone on ahead, we are sorting out matters, and trying to figure out what to do next. It will be interesting to see how this year develops.
We had some family birthdays in January -- three more are coming in February, including the Brick's. No going on trips right now to celebrate, though. One bright light in this generally sunless month: hanging out with family members we love. Another: The Chosen, a series based on Jesus Christ and His followers. One of the best faith-based programs I have ever watched.
(some of these may be late December)
*Started up my 2022 calendar appointment book -- but spoiled myself with a 'fancy' bound Monet notebook from the thrift shop ($4.99 - 15% discount), instead of the cheap Dollar Tree notebook I'd planned to use. Instead of a preprinted calendar, I date the pages -- 2 days each, plus a few extra pages for month-end notes. This method gave me plenty of room for notes in 2021...I think it will for 2022, as well.
*Did our usual stint at music on Sundays at North Chester Baptist Church -- and a Sunday night service at The Mama's care facility.
*We never did celebrate our anniversary. Too many issues going on with The Mama. We still have a $50 Groupon to use for dining out.
*A cousin loaned me her library card. That way, I don't have to go through the hassle of signing up for one. Thank you!
*Stayed away from stores, unless necessary. We didn't have much time to go shopping, anyways. I did stop in at Dollar Tree (now officially $1.25) and get a bagful of Valentine cards, plus some birthday goodies for presents next month. I also got a few birthday presents, plus a sweater, shirt, 'new' nightie and lined leather coat ($19.95, plus 15% senior discount) at the thrift shop in Sparta. We wore clothes we already had for the funeral.
*Money found: a quarter and two pennies at a Burger King drive-through...and three pennies in the pocket of my bargain coat! Burger King note: Their 'two sandwiches for $6' special can only be used IF you specify it. Otherwise, ordering two Whoppers will mean they charge you the original price-- at least double. Guess how I learned that?!? (P.S. I cancelled the order and drove through again -- more than $10 saved, but a lot of irritation gained.)
*Now wearing my hair longer -- because I didn't get a haircut for so long. I think I like it better this way. It certainly is warmer.
*A 14-disc set of Audie Murphy movies from Ebay. Note: if they include a 'Best Offer' slot on the item, ALWAYS try it. They can say no -- or in this case, they said yes. And I saved about $15 from their price! (Which was considerably less than Amazon's, by the way.)
*A raise in Social Security -- a little more than 5%. Hey, we'll take it!
*Ate more clementines. We both love these sweet little tangerines. We overloaded on purpose, while they were still on sale, and still good. (They get pretty tasteless after February or so.)
*Helped cousins process (another) deer -- and got a double package of tenderloin as a thank you, plus a delicious supper. (He makes a mean pan of 'American fries.' Think chopped-up hash browns.)
*Pots of flowers ($2.99 and $1.99) and bottles of SPANISH sherry (yes, the real stuff --$5.99 ea) from Trader Joe's. A pot of daffodils from a family member...thank you.
*Used up food, both ours and The Mama's, in the freezer. More to go, but the level is going down.
*Grocery buys: $1.39 pork chops (Ken's Market); triple pizza pack $3.99, marked-down gallon of milk $1.29, Kraft mac and cheese boxes: 4 for $1.00! (Daily Deals). One of the yogurts exploded over the rest in a Daily Deals case purchased earlier. We not only got a replacement, but I was allowed to keep the cups that hadn't leaked yet.
*Three meals were brought by cousins, to help us through the adjustment of The Mama's homegoing. Another cousin helped out with food during the visitation at the funeral home. Thank you, Dears...that means a lot.
*A decorative six-box set and holiday CDs -- 75% off from after-Christmas sale at the thrift shop! The Christmas CDs were the best buy -- 50 cents each. Also found: a few birthday presents...15% off, because I got them during 'Senior' day.
*Skipped going to movies, even the Tuesday $4 specials -- just no time for it, and still keep up with The Mama.
*Watched a bunch of movies on Amazon Prime and Paramount...now that we have access to both. We also worked our way through a batch of Randolph Scott movies, including The Tall T.
Didn't neglect Audie Murphy, either.
*Kept temperatures in the house low -- especially at night -- and really low in the fifth-wheel. The Mama's electric fireplace took off the chill in the house.
*Made good use of those canned and frozen goods I've been stockpiling all fall. Baked a pear tart for the Brick that I'd made back in September and stashed in the freezer, using pears from The Mama's tree.
*Beans 'n ham. Ham 'n beans. Made good use out of the 88-cent hambone, too.
*Babysat more for nieces and nephews, including a stint while our oldest grand-niece was having her tonsils out -- a single day outpatient event. (Weird. For the Brick and myself as kids, it was at least a two- or three-day stay in the hospital.)
*Made eggnog to celebrate our anniversary and New Year's Eve -- it was tastier than the storebought versions I normally get. The Brick spiked both with the last of a bottle of bourbon he'd gotten for Christmas a year ago.
*Cancelled The Mama's cable and house phone. She has been paying for a house line for more than 60 years, even while she had a cellphone. (And no computer. The Mama does not believe in computers -- or fax machines, for that matter. So no real need for a landline.) And we haven't been using the cable system, anyways. Stopping both gave her budget a boost.
*After The Mama's death, also cancelled her cellphone, which we'd been paying for, anyways. We'd just finished paying for her new cellphone -- I'll use it to replace my cracked and aging cellphone. I also cancelled her Medicare and health insurance. Cleaned out her room at the care facility, which should also provide a partial refund. (She hadn't used it since Dec. 29, anyways.) Social Security note: if you don't live the full month -- you don't get the payment. The Mama died about 1 1/2 weeks from the end of January -- so no final deposit. (I sure never knew this.) No death benefit, either -- she did not leave a younger or disabled husband or minor dependent.
Personally, we won't be making our usual "have fun" payment to The Mama's account, or paying her house cleaner, either: that's nearly $200 saved monthly. And we should be reimbursed for some repairs made on the house.
Every bit helps to balance out the estate - - and keep us going, as well.
*The insurance company sent us payment for repairing the fifth-wheel's damaged roof, plus replacing the awning. (The awning got ripped away by a branch -- in the parking lot of a box store, of all places!) Now we need to make maximum use of those funds.
*Daughter #1 and her partner picked themselves up at the airport (Daughter #2 and Son #1, too), and took themselves back. Less hassle for us, certainly. The Brick took Daughter #2 and Son #1 back. So glad they all came for The Mama's service, even if just for a short time.
*A surprise check -- our portion from the sale of some of the Brick's mom's estate! (She died 13+ years ago; we'd forgotten all about this. Thank you for your kindness and honesty, Bro and Sister.)
*Free shipping on the newest batch of Colorado Curiosities I ordered -- plus 1% discount over wholesale! (Ya gotta start somewhere...)
*Kept heating in the trailer at a minimum -- but needed to keep it heated, though rarely used.
*Still paying utilities for both the house and the trailer. We'll keep doing this until we leave town...whenever that is. We pay for Wifi, as well...but use it. A lot.
*Gassed up several times, on both the truck and The Mama's borrowed van. Driving back and forth nearly every day adds up, particularly when you're both driving separately. (Which is what we had to do, toward the end. I needed to stay...and our dogs needed to be let out.) We'll be saving on this from now on, as well. Sadly.
*Ate a few meals on the road. We had to...or go hungry until 8 or 9 at night. (Often we did. Go hungry, that is. I lost some weight.) We did use up a $10 Outback gift card that was going to expire in January. I also lunched regularly with cousins -- delicious and worth every cent.
*Donated a few books.
*The Brick scanned a boatload of Mama-related photos (plus some extras). This took a long time, but was needed for use at her service. It also means that they can be kept in my computer files, as well. Which is nice.
As one of my favorite bloggers delights to point out, thrift often leads to abundance, particularly when you make it a habit. In spite of extra expenses, due to living in The Mama's house and helping care for her, we are still doing ok. I'm very grateful for that...and grateful for a mom who taught me many ways to be a better Hollander.
Last month's report is here. Or take a look at the January report last year. The year before in January, too.
Last week was one of the more difficult in our lives -- but also completed what we set out to do here: take care of our Mama til the end.
We did.
Her funeral is Friday morning. In between, we have visitation at the funeral home (very traditional in Michigan), people to call and text, and photographs to find. Oh yes, bills to pay, as we begin to figure out what to do next.
We're very tired -- but hanging in there. I can't tell you much more than that right now. But I will miss calling her up when something happens, and saying, "Guess what, Ma!!!"
Rest now, Mama. See you and Pa very soon. Love you.
Many, many thanks for the people who have written, called and texted to send their loving throughts to us...and tell us about their experiences with The Mama. We are grateful for every one.
Prince's estate values have finally been settled. This is a particularly interesting matter for appraisers...was it inaccuracy, or just plain fatigue on the part of the heirs?
A very clever way to keep toys and other small bits from accumulating under the couch.
A 4000-year-old board game discovered.
"What does it feel like to be poor, after you've first been wealthy?" Quorans want to know.
Ham and cheddar breakfast sandwiches -- eat them now, or freeze for quick breakfasts later in the week.
How Chipotle's guacamole really is made. (It's good, too...and I'm not that much of a fan for guac.)
"Better than almost everything" cake. If you like German chocolate, this is the one for you.
Weird things in the deep blue sea. And...
Kids too smart for their own good -- and their parents.
The girl who donated a kidney to her boyfriend -- then got dumped by him because she was 'showing off.' Hmmmm.
Here's hoping your week is good. And quiet.
Bonnilou Estelle DeVries went into her Savior’s arms on Jan. 22, 2022, after a series of illnesses. She was met by her beloved husband Peter, after a parting of nearly 13 years. Her brothers and sisters also went before her, including Ken/Wanda Cumings, Arleen/Richard (Dick) Lovell, Archie/Maxine Cumings, Vernon/Mary Cumings, Allen Cumings, Loyd Cumings and Dean/Corrinn Cumings.
Bonnie was born on August 16, 1937, the youngest of eight children (“two and a half dozen”) to Wilfred H. and Ethel M. Cumings. She was born on the family farm in Sparta, MI – the same farm she and Pete worked for decades.
Visitation will be at Hessel-Cheslek Funeral Chapel, 88 E. Division in Sparta, MI (Thursday, Jan. 27, 5-8 p.m.). A service to remember Bonnie will be held at Magnify Church, 6727 Kuttshill Dr. NE, Rockford, MI on Friday, Jan. 28. Visitation will be at 10 a.m., with the service following at 11.
Memorial contributions may be made to CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) Alaska with “Bonnie DeVries Memorial” written on the memo line. Or you may donate to CEF Chicago with “ZP Project” noted on the memo line.
The Mama died at 4:30 a.m. this morning.
She has been failing for the past few days. We've been staying with her at rehab -- and I spent the last two nights with her. The final night, my brother was there, too.
Finally, no pain. And great joy as she's reunited with her husband, my cherished Pa.
And her Lord. Thank God.
Rest in peace, Ma.
Martin Luther King was anything but perfect. His affairs were well-known, and he plagiarized throughout his schooling, including chunks of his doctoral thesis lifted from a fellow student who published his only a few years earlier.
But this flawed human's ideas and messages were still used by God to achieve great things. Please remember that on this day, in his memory.
Still in Michigan.
The Mama is now in rehab, after 1 1/2 weeks in the hospital. (Same health issues.) She has perked up a little...but is nowhere near what she was back in August. Or October, for that matter. But she does have a combination of good, bad and horrible days. It's a longer commute, but we're still going there nearly every day to be with her for a while. She has been in this rehab before, so knows the basic schedule, doesn't mind the food (though she eats very little) and has friends among the staff.
For now, it's okay.
We have been fortunate to have daughters and a son who take special care to call, text and ask if we're doing all right. They check on their Grams, as well. Daughter #1, #2 and Son #1 made the trip to Michigan in December in part to check on Grams -- and make sure we weren't just giving them a soft soap story about our well-being. They continue to ask us honestly -- and spend time talking and encouraging when things are down. We're lucky to have cousins here who do the same thing.
I'm grateful for them. All of them.
Last week was cold (highs in the twenties) and dreary. It snowed a bit now and then. Slushy during the day, icy at night. But at least the roads stayed reasonably dry, which made the commute to The Mama's rehab easier. More of same expected this week, along with a doctor's appointment. Perhaps some babysitting, too.
Just saw a movie I've never heard of before: MY SPY. If you're a fan of bang-bang movies with a twist (and Guardians of the Universe), you're gonna love this one. Wistful, charming, quirky -- and unexpected shades of funny.
Die Hard is a Christmas movie on purpose! (And one of our favorite holiday traditions, explosions and all.)
Is Tonga there anymore? A massive underwater volcano eruption by it leads to tsunamis elsewhere in the world. We still don't know, though, what's left. Tonga's ties to the internet were broken, and air flights can't get past the huge ash cloud. We were set to visit Tonga during the world cruise, but the morning we were supposed to pull into port, they cancelled our visit. (They were worried about Covid.)
Update: Tonga is still there... sort of.
Diplomatic immunity lets people get away with crimes -- including lots and LOTS of parking tickets.
A newsletter for people who love unusual bits and pieces of history: the Vintage News. I just found this site, and wasted several hours scrolling through some AMAZING articles.
"How to be an obnoxious money saver." And drive people crazy while you're doing it! (Thanks, I think...from The Frugal Girl.)
The oldest WWII vet died earlier this month -- he was 112.
Did you know that the world ended, back in 2015? Or at least, it was supposed to. A very funny essay on it...and the end of bluegrass music, as well, by Chris Jones, a gifted musician and "eschatological dude."
In the spirit of snowy days and scary roads, this classic from yours truly (and Chris Jones).
One alternative, if you're facing eviction: living in a car or van. (It's not as difficult as you might think. From Cheap RV Living)
Journalist Ida B. Wells is honored...with a Barbie doll fashioned after her.
"What's the cheapest dinner party meal you've ever cooked?" Some good ideas here, Quora.
Momofuko's Bo Ssam... or marinated pork shoulder for a budget dinner party.
Another dinner party menu -- according to the blogger, under $12! (From Dinner With Joy)
While we're at it... baked buffalo wings. Baking powder and salt (yes, you read that right) crisp them up while they bake.
Everything you've wondered about bigamists, but were afraid to ask.
Fashion predictions for 2022...nothing earthshattering here.
Actors who missed out on the role of a lifetime, and took 'terrible' ones, instead.
Sunburn memes...funny, unless you've had one before!
The woman whose husband was killed by thugs -- then successfully became a nurse and raised five daughters on her own. I really admire courage and discipline like this.
Twenty minutes buried under an avalanche...and this dog lived!
Another Colorado dog...who survived four months in the mountains. Found stuck in four feet of snow.
She won a Rhodes Scholarship in part because of her harrowing story of growing up poor with an abusive mother in a frightening neighborhood. Only problem: it wasn't true. (She did spend some time in foster care after accusing her mother of beating her.)
Some very funny lost-and-found signs.
Ten brave people who stood up to vicious mobs -- and won.
Ten decisions that had completely different consequences. And they weren't good ones, either...
Have a good week...and stay warm. P.S. Colman and Jan, thanks so much for the package!
If you've had the week we've had, you'll appreciate this ode by Sturgill Simpson:
Maybe the weekend will be better...
Remember Helen Gibb, the quilter, writer and teacher I mentioned a few days ago?
Here is a solid way to help encourage Helen, and begin to restore what she lost:
I'm not a fan of these, normally, but this is a good cause -- I made a donation, too.
Every bit will help Helen start to rebuild. Please consider it.
For the many who have donated -- thank you.
It's been snowing here in Michigan. Or blowing. Or very, very cold. A few times we've needed to stay home, due to the weather...but mostly we've been spending time with The Mama at the hospital.
Tomorrow, she moves to a rehab facility. But her health is still not that good. We'll take it day by day -- because that's all we can do. More often than not, though, it's one step forward, two steps back.
We do it, anyways.
Ten amazing women forgotten (or often passed over) by history. Including the first female winner of the Nobel Prize.
A hundred thousand kids are NOT in the hospital right now -- the real figure is closer to 3,500. The head of the CDC corrects a Supreme Court judge. Oops.
Watch a star explode...in real time. It's thought to be the first ever recorded.
One of the biggest problems with owning beachfront property. (Thanks, Financial Samurai...though he did eventually buy a place after he wrote this.)
A giant rock crashes into tourist boats...people are dead and missing in Brazil.
Kind people doing kind things. Spread the word by doing something kind yourself!
Twenty Really Good budget tips for families.
Sidney Poitier died this past week. An elegant man -- and actor who came up from a difficult life.
Frugal millionaires."They look on money as a tool...an important tool..."
Valuable objects - found in the desert.
Grow food for a year -- preserve enough, if possible, for two. A good argument for this, posed by Living Life in Rural Iowa.
Poppyseed tea cake...and a lovely essay on why it's important to this baked goods lover.
'Sea smoke' on Puget Sound. Kewl.
"The plight of the super-hot..." poor AOC. Things are worse, now she's tested positive for Covid. (Yes, she was fully boosted. Hmmm.)
A magazine forcing its workers to put in overtime...then refuse to pay them? Hmmm...been there, done close to that. Thanks, Meredith, owner of Better Homes & Gardens and others, for being sooo kind to your editorial people.
Jump a turnstile, trying to avoid the fare -- oops, break your neck. Weird, not to mention sad.
White-tailed deer in the U.S.: infected with Covid?
Funny Signs. Very funny signs!
'Bizarre' books and their origins. Including an Aztec Codex...
Incredible discoveries that made their finders millionaires. Some you may have heard of before -- some not. Also from Listverse:
Ten unsolved mysteries -- solved.
Ten traditional Irish songs that have some 'interesting' origins.
How many unvaccinated people end up in ICU, versus vaccinated ones? The figures in this article on British Covid patients are VERY interesting. (P.S. The article was published in late December. It's pretty recent... considering the scariest figures on this date from months earlier. And now that race will factor into whether treatments are given, in some areas...what a mess.
Racism -- bad...unless you practice it. Which apparently is the guideline the Biden administration is using when suggesting how Covid tests should be distributed...give some people preference, based on skin color!
Have a good week.
"Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
“There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress."
"Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can."
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
"An honest man in politics shines more there than he would elsewhere."
"All Congresses and Parliaments have a kindly feeling for idiots, and a compassion for them, on account of personal experience and heredity."
"Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals."
He must be joking... right?
This goes with the idiot who wanted to know why Yellowstone Park officials weren't caging the animals at night "for our protection." Because after all, they were 'dangerous.' (I am not making this up.)
No doubt you've heard about the horrendous grass fires that burned more than 1,000 Colorado homes. Here, used with permission from a friend, is a sky-high view.
We have never heard of wildfires this late in the season. But, with the high Chinook winds we get this time of year, it's easy to have downed powerlines. And when they hit grass -- FOOM. (Or maybe it wasn't powerlines, after all...see below.)
Please keep these people in your prayers, and help where you can.
More here on what we know -- and what we don't -- about what's now being called the Marshall Fire.
"My cell phone quit as I tried to let my wife know that I was caught in freeway gridlock and would be late for our anniversary dinner. I wrote a message on my laptop asking other motorists to call her, printed it on a portable inkjet and taped it to my rear windshield.
By New Year's Eve, The Mama was back in the hospital. I spent part of it with her -- then the rest with the Brick and family to watch the Michigan debacle. (sigh) New Year's Day was cold, snowing and dreary-- we spent it watching Westerns and eating the Michigan version of Hoppin' John: Northern white beans cooked slow with ham. Delicious...and restful.
We've got Sunday duties at church, as usual. Monday, we'll belatedly celebrate our anniversary with a trip to the Gilmore Auto Museum. We've got a babysitting stint on Wednesday, taking care of nieces and nephews while their sister gets her tonsils out. I'll have lunch with a cousin...and we'll spend time with other cousins and family. The rest of the week will be devoted to The Mama.
And so begins January.
'The Year in Whoppers.' (Do you really want to remember?)
What kept Betty White young as she edged 100! The star died this past week...
In her honor, one of my favorite commercials featuring her:
Dan Reeves, a former Broncos coach, also died last week.
Picking up change -- Tips from people who've benefitted from it. Wouldn't you like to find a nickel or a five-dollar bill in the parking lot?
An incredible interview with Dr. Peter McCullough -- on Covid-19 treatments. This is Part 1 -- and well worth listening to.
Fifty funny marriage tweets. If you have dogs, you'll like these tweets, too.
A California garbage collector gives his biggest fan a Christmas present.
Did Richard III actually 'hide' his royal nephew in plain view, instead of murdering him? An intriguing theory that may have some evidence in its favor.
Crab cake bites... yum, Betty Crocker.
Ten very expensive paintings that will make you wonder... why anyone would pay so much for them.
Anatomy of a 10-bagger...how he made a fortune on one stock, but in hindsight, probably wouldn't do it again.
A South Carolina eagle cam -- two eaglets have currently hatched out. Watch them grow! Here are the babies from Dade County eagle cam, in case you've missed them so far:
How to become wealthy with low earnings. (From ESI Money)
"The smartest advice I ever got" -- from Money magazine.
Annual financial tips. (From Making Sense of Cents)
Some of the best Christmas tweets out there. Charming...and funny, too.
If things look dreary outside, you might need a Beanathon -- a classic straight from yours truly.
Start your week with a good meal, to get it on the right footing!
2021: "The Year of the Unexpected."
We spent the winter in Arizona -- and the fall in Michigan. Both weren't exactly planned...but important.
It's the first of the new year -- and we're still in Michigan. The fifth-wheel is parked in our folks' barnyard, largely shut down for the winter. We've been 'camping' in the house since the first part of December.
The Mama is back in the hospital -- for the the fourth time since July. Once again, it's serious.
What will happen the next few weeks? What will happen in coming months?
We don't know.
What we do know is that we're supposed to be in Michigan. And we're meant to stay and help care for The Mama.
I've brought in very little income in the past few months -- I had to cancel everything to come to Michigan, and have had to turn down a lot of appraisal income because I wasn't there to do it in Colorado. Book royalties only came for the period before Colorado Curiosities came out -- some, but not what I'd expected. (Those should happen early in 2022.) I planned some talks to help sell the books. (Which were cancelled.) Sold some books, anyways.
Our regular income has held steady throughout the year: the Brick's pension, and both of our Social Security checks. Although we took some big hits, thanks to the truck, our emergency fund is slowly building back up. And we haven't had to touch a penny of our investments with Lord & Richards. That takes some of the sting out of our current situation.
The other wonderful part: being with family we love. Usually we're in Michigan for a few weeks -- and a quick visit, if we're lucky. These past months have let us spend hours with them, instead, with no worries about rushing. We love our cousins and family. We love spending time with them.
We've also been able to rest -- a rare quality nowadays. I realized that I can push myself into poor health. I don't always exercise like I should, or get the sleep needed. Being with The Mama has often entailed waiting for long periods. Maybe this was God's way of getting both of us to rest more.
I don't have many goals for 2022. Not knowing what's in the near future means we can't plan much. We'd both love to travel more, but the Covid-19 business makes planning difficult. Even if you test negative, what can you do if your plane flights are unexpectedly cancelled? Or your cruise ship can't dock at the cities you booked the cruise for? (Shades of the 2020 world cruise.)
We'll continue to do what we've already committed to: stay with The Mama, sing/play at church on Sundays, do the usual rounds of everyday life.
I want to read more. Clear away extra clothes and books from the fifth-wheel...and figure out ways to make our current living area more efficient. I'd like to sort through storage...and have a huge sale, to bring in income and get rid of more STUFF.
I've got some teaching/judging gigs coming up in the summer and fall. Hopefully more appraisals to do.
I plan to keep collecting stories for another Curiosities -- this time about Michigan. And keep spending time with The Mama and our family.
That -- for now -- is enough.
She died Monday afternoon. We buried her under a cedar tree, and I will plant lavender on her grave -- because she was such a sweet dog...