Monday, January 24, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Keeping On

      Last week was one of the more difficult in our lives -- but also completed what we set out to do here: take care of our Mama til the end. 

     We did.

     Her funeral is Friday morning. In between, we have visitation at the funeral home (very traditional in Michigan), people to call and text, and photographs to find. Oh yes, bills to pay, as we begin to figure out what to do next.

     We're very tired -- but hanging in there. I can't tell you much more than that right now. But I will miss calling her up when something happens, and saying, "Guess what, Ma!!!" 

     Rest now, Mama. See you and Pa very soon. Love you.

Many, many thanks for the people who have written, called and texted to send their loving throughts to us...and tell us about their experiences with The Mama. We are grateful for every one.

Prince's estate values have finally been settled. This is a particularly interesting matter for appraisers...was it inaccuracy, or just plain fatigue on the part of the heirs?

A very clever way to keep toys and other small bits from accumulating under the couch.

A 4000-year-old board game discovered.

"What does it feel like to be poor, after you've first been wealthy?"  Quorans want to know.

Ham and cheddar breakfast sandwiches -- eat them now, or freeze for quick breakfasts later in the week.


Gifted graffiti.

How Chipotle's guacamole really is made. (It's good, too...and I'm not that much of a fan for guac.)

"Better than almost everything" cake. If you like German chocolate, this is the one for you.

Weird things in the deep blue sea. And...

Kids too smart for their own good -- and their parents.

The girl who donated a kidney to her boyfriend -- then got dumped by him because she was 'showing off.' Hmmmm.

Here's hoping your week is good. And quiet.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries