Monday, January 3, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Keeping On

     By New Year's Eve, The Mama was back in the hospital. I spent part of it with her -- then the rest with the Brick and family to watch the Michigan debacle. (sigh) New Year's Day was cold, snowing and dreary-- we spent it watching Westerns and eating the Michigan version of  Hoppin' John: Northern white beans cooked slow with ham. Delicious...and restful.

    We've got Sunday duties at church, as usual. Monday, we'll belatedly celebrate our anniversary with a trip to the Gilmore Auto Museum. We've got a babysitting stint on Wednesday, taking care of nieces and nephews while their sister gets her tonsils out. I'll have lunch with a cousin...and we'll spend time with other cousins and family. The rest of the week will be devoted to The Mama.

      And so begins January.

'The Year in Whoppers.' (Do you really want to remember?)

What kept Betty White young as she edged 100! The star died this past week...

In her honor, one of my favorite commercials featuring her:

Dan Reeves, a former Broncos coach, also died last week.

Picking up change -- Tips from people who've benefitted from it. Wouldn't you like to find a nickel or a five-dollar bill in the parking lot?

An incredible interview with Dr. Peter McCullough -- on Covid-19 treatments. This is Part 1 -- and well worth listening to.

Fifty funny marriage tweets.  If you have dogs, you'll like these tweets, too.

A California garbage collector gives his biggest fan a Christmas present.

The repeal of the eviction ban didn't have the stunning, earthshattering effect some threatened would happen Oops.

Did Richard III actually 'hide' his royal nephew in plain view, instead of murdering him? An intriguing theory that may have some evidence in its favor. 

Crab cake bites... yum, Betty Crocker.

Ten very expensive paintings that will make you wonder... why anyone would pay so much for them.

Anatomy of a he made a fortune on one stock, but in hindsight, probably wouldn't do it again.

A South Carolina eagle cam -- two eaglets have currently hatched out. Watch them grow! Here are the babies from Dade County eagle cam, in case you've missed them so far:

How to become wealthy with low earnings.  (From ESI Money)

"The smartest advice I ever got" -- from Money magazine.

Annual financial tips.  (From Making Sense of Cents)

Some of the best Christmas tweets out there. Charming...and funny, too.

If things look dreary outside, you might need a Beanathon -- a classic straight from yours truly.

Start your week with a good meal, to get it on the right footing!

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries