Sunday, January 16, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Our Wonderful Kids

     Still in Michigan.

     The Mama is now in rehab, after  1 1/2 weeks in the hospital. (Same health issues.) She has perked up a little...but is nowhere near what she was back in August. Or October, for that matter. But she does have a combination of good, bad and horrible days. It's a longer commute, but we're still going there nearly every day to be with her for a while. She has been in this rehab before, so knows the basic schedule, doesn't mind the food (though she eats very little) and has friends among the staff.

     For now, it's okay.

     We have been fortunate to have daughters and a son who take special care to call, text and ask if we're doing all right. They check on their Grams, as well. Daughter #1, #2 and Son #1 made the trip to Michigan in December in part to check on Grams -- and make sure we weren't just giving them a soft soap story about our well-being. They continue to ask us honestly -- and spend time talking and encouraging when things are down. We're lucky to have cousins here who do the same thing. 

     I'm grateful for them. All of them.

     Last week was cold (highs in the twenties) and dreary. It snowed a bit now and then. Slushy during the day, icy at night. But at least the roads stayed reasonably dry, which made the commute to The Mama's rehab easier. More of same expected this week, along with a doctor's appointment. Perhaps some babysitting, too. 

We get by. Reading helps. So do movies. Doing our scheduled commitments, and finishing up work here and there. Playing with the dogs. Thrift shopping (15% off on Tuesdays).
Coming up with new dishes, using what's in the freezer and pantry.
The Brick's hot coffee, love and encouragement.
And our wonderful family.


Just saw a movie I've never heard of before: MY SPY. If you're a fan of bang-bang movies with a twist (and Guardians of the Universe), you're gonna love this one. Wistful, charming, quirky -- and unexpected shades of funny.

Die Hard is a Christmas movie on purpose!  (And one of our favorite holiday traditions, explosions and all.)

Is Tonga there anymore? A massive underwater volcano eruption by it leads to tsunamis elsewhere in the world. We still don't know, though, what's left. Tonga's ties to the internet were broken, and air flights can't get past the huge ash cloud. We were set to visit Tonga during the world cruise, but the morning we were supposed to pull into port, they cancelled our visit. (They were worried about Covid.)

     Update:  Tonga is still there... sort of.

Diplomatic immunity lets people get away with crimes -- including lots and LOTS of parking tickets.

A newsletter for people who love unusual bits and pieces of history: the Vintage News. I just found this site, and wasted several hours scrolling through some AMAZING articles.

"How to be an obnoxious money saver." And drive people crazy while you're doing it!  (Thanks, I think...from The Frugal Girl.)

The oldest WWII vet died earlier this month -- he was 112.

Did you know that the world ended, back in 2015?  Or at least, it was supposed to. A very funny essay on it...and the end of bluegrass music, as well, by Chris Jones, a gifted musician and "eschatological dude."

In the spirit of snowy days and scary roads, this classic from yours truly (and Chris Jones).

One alternative, if you're facing eviction: living in a car or van. (It's not as difficult as you might think. From Cheap RV Living)

Journalist Ida B. Wells is honored...with a Barbie doll fashioned after her. 

"What's the cheapest dinner party meal you've ever cooked?" Some good ideas here, Quora.

Momofuko's Bo Ssam... or marinated pork shoulder for a budget dinner party. 

Another dinner party menu -- according to the blogger, under $12!  (From Dinner With Joy)

While we're at it... baked buffalo wings.  Baking powder and salt (yes, you read that right) crisp them up while they bake. 

Everything you've wondered about bigamists, but were afraid to ask. 

Fashion predictions for 2022...nothing earthshattering here.

Actors who missed out on the role of a lifetime, and took 'terrible' ones, instead.

Sunburn memes...funny, unless you've had one before!

The woman whose husband was killed by thugs -- then successfully became a nurse and raised five daughters on her own. I really admire courage and discipline like this.

Twenty minutes buried under an avalanche...and this dog lived! 

Another Colorado dog...who survived four months in the mountains. Found stuck in four feet of snow.

She won a Rhodes Scholarship in part because of her harrowing story of growing up poor with an abusive mother in a frightening neighborhood. Only problem: it wasn't true. (She did spend some time in foster care after accusing her mother of beating her.)

Some very funny lost-and-found signs.

Ten brave people who stood up to vicious mobs -- and won.

Ten decisions that had completely different consequences. And they weren't good ones, either... 

Have a good week...and stay warm.     P.S. Colman and Jan, thanks so much for the package!

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries