Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Frugal Hits & Misses: January Report

 One more, in a series of odd months.

We're still in Michigan, which has had continuing gray weather. Some sun, it's true -- but a lot of slush and general dreariness. We spent many hours at the hospital or rehab center, staying with The Mama -- which meant other tasks were neglected. The dogs were left alone a great deal, too...but it couldn't be helped. The Mama was our main priority. Now that she has gone on ahead,  we are sorting out matters, and trying to figure out what to do next. It will be interesting to see how this year develops.

     We had some family birthdays in January -- three more are coming in February, including the Brick's. No going on trips right now to celebrate, though. One bright light in this generally sunless month: hanging out with family members we love. Another: The Chosen, a series based on Jesus Christ and His followers. One of the best faith-based programs I have ever watched. 


(some of these may be late December)

*Started up my 2022 calendar appointment book -- but spoiled myself with a 'fancy' bound Monet notebook from the thrift shop ($4.99 - 15% discount), instead of the cheap Dollar Tree notebook I'd planned to use. Instead of a preprinted calendar, I date the pages -- 2 days each, plus a few extra pages for month-end notes. This method gave me plenty of room for notes in 2021...I think it will for 2022, as well.

*Did our usual stint at music on Sundays at North Chester Baptist Church -- and a Sunday night service at The Mama's care facility.

*We never did celebrate our anniversary. Too many issues going on with The Mama. We still have a $50 Groupon to use for dining out. 

*A cousin loaned me her library card. That way, I don't have to go through the hassle of signing up for one. Thank you!

*Stayed away from stores, unless necessary. We didn't have much time to go shopping, anyways. I did stop in at Dollar Tree (now officially $1.25) and get a bagful of Valentine cards, plus some birthday goodies for presents next month. I also got a few birthday presents, plus a sweater, shirt, 'new' nightie and lined leather coat ($19.95, plus 15% senior discount) at the thrift shop in Sparta. We wore clothes we already had for the funeral.

*Money found: a quarter and two pennies at a Burger King drive-through...and three pennies in the pocket of my bargain coat!  Burger King note: Their 'two sandwiches for $6' special can only be used IF you specify it. Otherwise, ordering two Whoppers will mean they charge you the original price-- at least double. Guess how I learned that?!? (P.S. I cancelled the order and drove through again -- more than $10 saved, but a lot of irritation gained.)

*Now wearing my hair longer -- because I didn't get a haircut for so long. I think I like it better this way. It certainly is warmer.

*A 14-disc set of Audie Murphy movies from Ebay.  Note: if they include a 'Best Offer' slot on the item, ALWAYS try it. They can say no -- or in this case, they said yes. And I saved about $15 from their price! (Which was considerably less than Amazon's, by the way.)

*A raise in Social Security -- a little more than 5%. Hey, we'll take it!

*Ate more clementines. We both love these sweet little tangerines. We overloaded on purpose, while they were still on sale, and still good. (They get pretty tasteless after February or so.)

*Helped cousins process (another) deer -- and got a double package of tenderloin as a thank you, plus a delicious supper. (He makes a mean pan of 'American fries.' Think chopped-up hash browns.)

*Pots of flowers ($2.99 and $1.99) and bottles of SPANISH sherry (yes, the real stuff --$5.99 ea) from Trader Joe's. A pot of daffodils from a family member...thank you.

*Used up  food, both ours and The Mama's, in the freezer. More to go, but the level is going down.

*Grocery buys: $1.39 pork chops (Ken's Market); triple pizza pack $3.99, marked-down gallon of milk $1.29, Kraft mac and cheese boxes: 4 for $1.00! (Daily Deals). One of the yogurts exploded over the rest in a Daily Deals case purchased earlier. We not only got a replacement, but I was allowed to keep the cups that hadn't leaked yet.  

*Three meals were brought by cousins, to help us through the adjustment of The Mama's homegoing. Another cousin helped out with food during the visitation at the funeral home. Thank you, Dears...that means a lot.

*A decorative six-box set and holiday CDs -- 75% off from after-Christmas sale at the thrift shop! The Christmas CDs were the best buy -- 50 cents each. Also found: a few birthday presents...15% off, because I got them during 'Senior' day.

*Skipped going to movies, even the Tuesday $4 specials -- just no time for it, and still keep up with The Mama.

*Watched a bunch of movies on Amazon Prime and that we have access to both. We also worked our way through a batch of Randolph Scott movies, including The Tall T

    Didn't neglect Audie Murphy, either.

*Kept temperatures in the house low -- especially at night -- and really low in the fifth-wheel. The Mama's electric fireplace took off the chill in the house.

*Made good use of those canned and frozen goods I've been stockpiling all fall. Baked a pear tart for the Brick that I'd made back in September and stashed in the freezer, using pears from The Mama's tree.

*Beans 'n ham. Ham 'n beans. Made good use out of the 88-cent hambone, too.

*Babysat more for nieces and nephews, including a stint while our oldest grand-niece was having her tonsils out -- a single day outpatient event. (Weird. For the Brick and myself as kids, it was at least a two- or three-day stay in the hospital.)

*Made eggnog to celebrate our anniversary and New Year's Eve -- it was tastier than the storebought versions I normally get. The Brick spiked both with the last of a bottle of bourbon he'd gotten for Christmas a year ago.

*Cancelled The Mama's cable and house phone. She has been paying for a house line for more than 60 years, even while she had a cellphone. (And no computer. The Mama does not believe in computers -- or fax machines, for that matter. So no real need for a landline.) And we haven't been using the cable system, anyways. Stopping both gave her budget a boost.

*After The Mama's death, also cancelled her cellphone, which we'd been paying for, anyways. We'd just finished paying for her new cellphone -- I'll use it to replace my cracked and aging cellphone. I also cancelled her Medicare and health insurance. Cleaned out her room at the care facility, which should also provide a partial refund. (She hadn't used it since Dec. 29, anyways.) Social Security note:  if you don't live the full month -- you don't get the payment. The Mama died about 1 1/2 weeks from the end of January -- so no final deposit. (I sure never knew this.) No death benefit, either -- she did not leave a younger  or disabled husband or minor dependent.

     Personally, we won't be making our usual "have fun" payment to The Mama's account, or paying her house cleaner, either: that's nearly $200 saved monthly. And we should be reimbursed for some repairs made on the house. 

     Every bit helps to balance out the estate - - and keep us going, as well.

*The insurance company sent us payment for repairing the fifth-wheel's damaged roof, plus replacing the awning. (The awning got ripped away by a branch -- in the parking lot of a box store, of all places!) Now we need to make maximum use of those funds. 

*Daughter #1 and her partner picked themselves up at the airport (Daughter #2 and Son #1, too), and took themselves back. Less hassle for us, certainly. The Brick took Daughter #2 and Son #1 back. So glad they all came for The Mama's service, even if just for a short time.

*A surprise check  -- our portion from the sale of some of the Brick's mom's estate! (She died 13+ years ago; we'd forgotten all about this. Thank you for your kindness and honesty, Bro and Sister.)

*Free shipping on the newest batch of Colorado Curiosities I ordered -- plus 1% discount over wholesale! (Ya gotta start somewhere...)


*Kept heating in the trailer at a minimum -- but needed to keep it heated, though rarely used.

*Still paying utilities for both the house and the trailer. We'll keep doing this until we leave town...whenever that is. We pay for Wifi, as well...but use it. A lot.

*Gassed up several times, on both the truck and The Mama's borrowed van. Driving back and forth nearly every day adds up, particularly when you're both driving separately. (Which is what we had to do, toward the end. I needed to stay...and our dogs needed to be let out.) We'll be saving on this from now on, as well. Sadly.

*Ate a few meals on the road. We had to...or go hungry until 8 or 9 at night. (Often we did. Go hungry, that is. I lost some weight.) We did use up a $10 Outback gift card that was going to expire in January. I also lunched regularly with cousins -- delicious and worth every cent. 

*Donated a few books. 

*The Brick scanned a boatload of Mama-related photos (plus some extras). This took a long time, but was needed for use at her service. It also means that they can be kept in my computer files, as well. Which is nice.

Leo Cumings photo, used with permission

As one of my favorite bloggers delights to point out, thrift often leads to abundance, particularly when you make it a habit. In spite of extra expenses, due to living in The Mama's house and helping care for her, we are still doing ok. I'm very grateful for that...and grateful for a mom who taught me many ways to be a better Hollander. 

Last month's report is hereOr take a look at the January report last year. The year before in January, too.


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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries