Sunday, January 30, 2022

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Resting

     Last week was largely taken up with dealing with the Mama's funeral service, arranging for specifics...and starting to deal with her estate. 

    The kids flew home on Saturday afternoon. 

     We, along with our family, came home exhausted from the service on Friday. I brought something else home: some kind of weird flu that may or may not be Covid. Fever, achy bones, headache...but I still can taste things. (I just don't feel like eating, that's all.) The Brick has been covering the bases so I can stay in bed and rest. What a guy. 

      And yes, it's supposed to stay cold and snowy.  

Pennies from heaven? Actually, much more than that.

Athletes who live like kings -- and those who live like commoners.

"Why I changed my mind about guns." Be sure to watch long enough to hear the list of countries who de-armed their populations -- and what happened next. It's illuminating.

A Tennessee school district votes to ditch the Holocaust comic 'Maus' because it shows nudity (once) and uses swear words. (Not that ANYONE was forced to strip naked in the death camps, and forced into the gas chambers with blows and swear words. Unh-unh.) Their decision inspired others to put the Pulitzer-Prize-winning 'Maus' on top of Amazon's bestseller list.

     If you have never read this adult comic, you need to. It's visually and emotionally stunning. And an important way to make sure we never forget the horror of the Holocaust.   (Thank you, Cousin Amanda Decker, for giving me the heads-up on this.)

What odd request did this "Wheel of Fortune" winner make, after she won big? (Btw, it was granted...)

He flunked out the first time -- so this guy (aged 30) went back to the SAME SCHOOL. And no one noticed!

Governor "Twinkletoes" Whitmer -- my favorite Michigan politician -- isn't doing so good in the polls. Poor girl.

Famous horses.

The rich Korean influencer...who wasn't. (How did she get caught? Wearing fakes.)

"What popular food in your country is being messed up when it's made in other countries?" (I'm betting the U.S. is famous for this -- we're always adapting things.)

An eagle fight -- on the nest! (I've been having a lot of fun checking in on the South Carolina eagle cam...this is just more of same, from another cam.

This military training technique is supposed to help you fall asleep in two minutes. Maybe...but I'm skeptical.

"Ever had a kid kick the back of your seat during an airplane flight?" If so, what did you do?

Have a good week. 

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries