Sunday, January 9, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Snow -- And Updates

       It's been snowing here in Michigan. Or blowing. Or very, very cold. A few times we've needed to stay home, due to the weather...but mostly we've been spending time with The Mama at the hospital.

      Tomorrow, she moves to a rehab facility. But her health is still not that good. We'll take it day by day -- because that's all we can do. More often than not, though, it's one step forward, two steps back.

We do it, anyways.

Ten amazing women forgotten (or often passed over) by history. Including the first female winner of the Nobel Prize.

A hundred thousand kids are NOT in the hospital right now -- the real figure is closer to 3,500. The head of the CDC corrects a Supreme Court judge. Oops.

Watch a star real time. It's thought to be the first ever recorded.

One of the biggest problems with owning beachfront property.  (Thanks, Financial Samurai...though he did eventually buy a place after he wrote this.)

A giant rock crashes into tourist boats...people are dead and missing in Brazil.

Kind people doing kind things. Spread the word by doing something kind yourself!

Twenty Really Good budget tips for families.

Sidney Poitier died this past week. An elegant man -- and actor who came up from a difficult life.

Frugal millionaires."They look on money as a important tool..."

Valuable objects - found in the desert.

Grow food for a year -- preserve enough, if possible, for two. A good argument for this, posed by Living Life in Rural Iowa.

Poppyseed tea cake...and a lovely essay on why it's important to this baked goods lover.

'Sea smoke' on Puget Sound. Kewl.

"The plight of the super-hot..." poor AOC. Things are worse, now she's tested positive for Covid. (Yes, she was fully boosted. Hmmm.)

A magazine forcing its workers to put in overtime...then refuse to pay them? Hmmm...been there, done close to that. Thanks, Meredith, owner of Better Homes & Gardens and others, for being sooo kind to your editorial people.

Jump a turnstile, trying to avoid the fare -- oops, break your neck. Weird, not to mention sad.

White-tailed deer in the U.S.: infected with Covid?

Funny Signs. Very funny signs!

'Bizarre' books and their origins. Including an Aztec Codex...

Incredible discoveries that made their finders millionaires. Some you may have heard of before -- some not. Also from Listverse:

Ten unsolved mysteries -- solved.

Ten traditional Irish songs that have some 'interesting' origins.

How many unvaccinated people end up in ICU, versus vaccinated ones? The figures in this article on British Covid patients are VERY interesting. (P.S. The article was published in late December. It's pretty recent... considering the scariest figures on this date from months earlier. And now that race will factor into whether treatments are given, in some areas...what a mess.

Racism -- bad...unless you practice it. Which apparently is the guideline the Biden administration is using when suggesting how Covid tests should be distributed...give some people preference, based on skin color! 

Have a good week.

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Hey, I'm Considering It...

  Photo by Lori DeVries