Sunday, October 16, 2022

Grandma Moses, Kids & Quilt

 This is just amazing. 

A photograph of the famed folk art painter Grandma Moses, with a quilt behind her! 

It's a Star of Bethlehem variation, in case you're wondering. (And yes, its most common form is a large star that takes up most of the quilt.) Named, of course, for its connection with Jesus's birth. 

     Other names includie Blazing Star, Star of the East, Quilt of the Century (a similar block pattern won for the 1933 Sears World's Fair contest in Chicago), Combination Feathered Star, The Blazing Star of Minnesota, Patriotic Star, Little Star, Rising Star, Star of the Bluegrass (see the Sears mention), Morning Star, Eastern Star... and Unknown Star.


And you can own it!   The photo... not the quilt. 

Here's what seller Knifebiz says about it on the Ebay listing:

This exceedingly rare historically significant photograph was discovered in 2016 in one of my collection purchases from a dealer in the Midwest.  The photograph depicts Grandma Moses (aka: Anna Mary Robertson Moses) and likely five of her ten children that survived infancy (Lloyd, Forrest K., Winona, Hugh W., and Anna).  The image also depicts a large 8-point star folk art quilt in the back ground, likely embroidered patchwork by Grandma Moses.  The image of Grandma Moses in the photograph has been confirmed by one of the world's leading forensic examiners in facial recognition.  Please contact me if you would wish to review a copy of the expert's Declaration of Authenticity.

I would bet, based on her age in the photo, that these are Grandma Moses' grandchildren. That's a guess, of course. But I am certain that the quilt is not "embroidered patchwork." It does seem to be hand-pieced and quilted, too -- probably by her hand. Grandma Moses is known to have quilted, which she called "hobby art." She's better-known for her other work.

                            A fireboard, painted in 1918.  (Wikipedia)

The price? A cool $35,000 for this small photo. (And the original is darker than this version.) However, Knifebiz is willing to consider a 'Best Offer'... and I certainly would.

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