Monday, October 3, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Normal -- What's That?!?

    Other than the weird images coming out of Florida, thanks to Hurricane Ian, it's been a quiet week. This one should be more of same -- chores, maintenance stuff on the fifth-wheel, some appraising...and some baking. Hey, some of us just lead exciting lives. (yawn)

The weather holds steady: warm days with a cool wind, cool/colder nights -- but no freeze yet, which is unusual. (I'm glad -- I'll take as many zucchini as the plants are willing to kick out.) Some rain, even.

Last night, a bull elk with magnificent horns rushed his harem in front of the truck while we were driving home. When we got home, we kept hearing a strange squeak -- much like a cow elk's 'bark.' Did the herd bed down for the night near the trailer? (No sign of them this morning.)

The only strange thing: we both keep waking up suddenly -- then have trouble going back to sleep. Is this just getting used to the seasonal change, or is something unusual happening before sunrise? 


Hurricane Ian images:

The Brick knows hurricanes well, having gone through several while growing up in North Carolina. For me, it's a foreign concept. (Now tornadoes, that's another story.) I wish there was something solid I could do to help here, besides send money.

Meanwhile, Governor DeSantis was serving food at the Waffle House, for linemen making repairs. (Hey, it was open -- why not!)

Hurricane Ian memes. As Arlo Guthrie says, "Well, thass America..." (Waffle House is now open again, btw.)

More images from Hurricane Ian.

If you were affected by Hurricane Ian, and you're not a "person of color," plan to wait for any help. VP Harris announced that "communities of color" get the "resources" first. As one Twitter guy said, "I guess everyone else is just screwed." (When asked about this by a reporter, Harris just smiled, tapped her forehead...and kept moving on. Quickly.)

 Governor DeSantis' rep said not to worry -- that FEMA requires people be treated the same, regardless of color or background. Whew.

Celebrate an Irish Halloween! Here are some ideas, on my companion blog, Holiday Goodies.

When is the best time to book holiday travel?    More ideas. (By Oct. 12, some experts say.)

A famous tractor museum is closing -- and its collection is going up for sale.  

    Update:  here are sales results. The Little Oak, shown below, the only known example of its kind, went for $425,000.

My dad would have been fascinated. He loved old tractors.

Guilty dogs. A very funny photo essay -- unless your dog's done one of these little faux pas.

Keto-friendly onion rings! And easy, too...only three ingredients.  (Foodtalk, here we come.)

Creamy sesame chicken salad.  (From Foodtalk)

Coca-Cola's new flavor: Dreamworld.  I dunno -- sounds like some sort of drug-induced coma. Reviews say it tastes a bit fruity, like bananas. I'll stick to the original, thank you very much.

Putting up fruit and veggies for the winter -- easylike.  (From Surviving and Thriving)

Pet meds -- cheaper.  (From Bitches Get Riches)

Don Lemon asks a question about the Brits paying reparations for slavery -- and gets an extremely interesting answer. Not one he was expecting, obviously.

Nosferatu and the Red Cross team up for a fundraiser. (In case you're scratching your head on this, Nosferatu is an extremely creepy old vampire movie. We saw it once...and I had nightmares for weeks.)

Secret fast food hacks that save you money. 

A 'teen eco-warrior' goes off on a rant about wasting energy going on trips to Fiji...then admits later on that she just got back from -- you guessed it, Fiji -- with her family. Oops.  (Mom checked in later on, complaining about how mean her little girl was treated.) 

A college student buys a page from a manuscript on Ebay. Turns out it's not only from something his class was studying -- but it's extremely rare. 

Personal lessons learned since 2008's financial crisis. (From the Financial Samurai)

"You’re either going to let things get to you, or you’re going to do something to change your dissatisfaction. Just think about how much you could accomplish if you worked for one extra hour a day for 10 years. We’re talking about 3,650 hours of extra productivity to learn a new language, build a business, become an expert at work, or make a difference in a kid’s life.

If you want to change, please take action. And no, virtue signaling does not count as taking action. If all you do is complain, 10 years from now, you will still be complaining about the same things."

I do understand people's panic and fears right now... but I also remember 2008. And we got through it. 

The gesture President Biden never did for the queen. And for good reason.

Quora's fun question:  "What's it like to have frugal/cheapskate parents?"

An unusual solution to the heat problem -- cover your house with Virginia creeper! The owners say they never turn their heat on...

Food trends for 2022. Dirty sodas???

How to measure accurately for bra size.   (From Upstyle Daily - guys, you can look the other direction. This is important.)

Ten bank robberies that were going well -- until 'status updates.' This was surprisingly interesting. 

Mixes you can make -- plus a 'sugar doughnut muffin' mix that sounded good.  (From Little House Living)

Politicians that suddenly care about re-funding the police -- after they're robbed. 

A copycat recipe for Brianna's poppyseed dressing...delicious.

A Byzantine-era mosaic...accidentally uncovered by a farmer in Palestine!

Frequently-asked questions -- by a flight attendant (Sit in the last row, she says, if you want a free first-class upgrade. That's the first place they'll go, to move people.)

Danish Christmas cabbage...and a boatload of other Danish recipes.  (From -- you guessed it -- Nordic Food & Living)

Two art dealers plead guilty to an $86 MILLION scam. Yow.

Have a great week. 

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...