Sunday, October 16, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Still Hunting

     The Brick continues to Do His Stuff.  The guys have seen some elk, but that's it, so far. Meanwhile, I've finished up some reports, tidied away some messy spots, gathered up some things to donate...and watched all of Raffles and Bleak House. Sherlock Holmes, The Scarlet Pimpernel and some Christmas movies are next. 

     The fall colors are really starting to ramp up. And the days are ever-so-slightly turning chillier. We've gotten close to a freeze...but not yet. Unusual for this late in the month -- we often have a frost shortly after Labor Day. I'm not griping -- the extra zucchini are welcome. The plants themselves are huge, and getting cocky...I think I heard whispered plans for world domination. 

     If this keeps up, I might have to go out there with a machete, just to protect myself.

(Update: Frost expected tonight...and the next few nights. For much of the country, too. Are you listening, zucchini?!?)

P.S. Michigan whipped Penn State's collective butts in college ball: 41-17! All I can say is: HA! Go Blue!

The Buffs won, too! 20-13 in overtime against California. (I think this is CU's first win so far this season -- they haven't been doing so well.)   Go Buffs!!

Colorado is the only school in the world, so far as I know,
that has a live buffalo run across the field to open the game.
(She runs -- her handlers try to run, but occasionally get dragged, instead.)
 More about Ralphie here, if you're curious. (P.S. She's a girl.)


Top ten theater hauntings.

A funny (and wincing) SNL look at the Jan. 6 committee.

Want to buy Marc Chagall's Catskills studio? It's up for sale: only $240,000.

Homemade caramel sauce -- on apple slices, sprinkled with chopped nuts. Yum.  (From Little House Living)

Has the mystery of the Lost Princes in the London Tower finally be solved? We should find out in a month of two... I hope.

Very funny lost-and-found signs.   (Not for the Princes. They're still lost.)

Mr. Tudball and Mrs. (ah-)Wiggins go out for lunch.  Hang in there for a surprise twist at the end!

Cheating revealed, by carving the answers into a series of pens -- for a class on criminal procedure law! (Boy, that kid has a future...)

Save money -- get a job picking fruit!    

Little decisions, huge consequences.  A classic from yours truly.

The secret to this couple's happy 75 year marriage? A love of arguing...and a Baileys every night before bed. Every day. (I'm not making this up.)

Eight websites that pay -- and hire -- freelancers. 

The best websites for marketing and selling e-books.  (Frankly, these don't sound that great. And they're considered the 'best?')

Mashed potatoes in the crockpot?  Looks good for Thanksgiving, especially.  (From One Hundred Dollars A Month)

Angela Lansbury died this week. What an amazing actress.

"The Courage to Keep Going" by Dr. Charles Stanley.  A message of wisdom, encouragement... and hope. As Stanley says, "We make the choice how we live through the difficult things in life."

Now that's the way to increase the size of your air force -- Photoshop them in! Too bad someone noticed North Korea's faux pas in this.

The Statue of Liberty's crown is finally open again!

No Border Agents whipping, after all - -and the Homeland Security chief knew this, as he stood behind Biden, while the President raged forth on the "horrifying" images. Yet there were no corrections, not even to this day. Are you getting tired of the subterfuge and mistruths yet?

An ancient mosaic of the Trojan War -- found in Syria. Really, really rare -- and quite possibly the largest ever found.

Do you really want to know what's underneath you in the water? This kayaker put his GoPro down...and noticed he was keeping company with a shark! (No worries, mate...)

Awkward magazine covers. 

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...