Sunday, October 23, 2022

Monday (er, Sunday) Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Snowing?

Ha. Not hardly. 

    It's dry as a bone here, and the fall colors have faded, with a few exceptions now and then. No matter -- I loved them while they were happening. Cold temps are supposed to move in toward the end of the week, with hopefully some rain, as well. We need it.

     The Brick is still dealing with a 'friend' he brought home from hunting: the flu. (No, it wasn't Covid. He checked.) I have several things to finish up, and may well be working for elections this week. For some odd reason, I've got a lot more appraising to do this season than I usually have. Was it missing work last year, because we were in Michigan, taking care of the Mama? Is it because some of my colleagues have retired? (There are currently only two of us AQSers in Colorado now, though there are dozens of ASA appraisers.) Not sure -- but it is a blessing. Lots of work...

Better get to it.

P.S. I'll send this early -- I've got some commitments to finish up before the weekend ends. 

The Brick at Sleepy Cat Peak -- the guys were camped down below.


What -- Sacheen Littlefeather wasn't Native American AT ALL?!?  This brings up an interesting list of "Pretendians" -- people who claim Indian heritage without actual proof. (If you're thinking Elizabeth Warren is on the list -- you're right. At least she's finally stopped claiming it.)

A story of a necklace that's sad, happy...and more than a bit endearing.

The printed fortune cookies that cost New York's lottery $19 million.

What exactly are ostie piene...and why are they a tad bit sacreligious? 

The CDC director tests positive. For Covid. Oops. Talk about...

Other strange coincidences in history.   (Warning: LOTS of irritating popups on this one. The stories are intriguing, but you might want to read just a few.)

A spray-on dress?  Yes, these are a reality...

I know this isn't supposed to be funny...but I can't help it. Protestors at the Autostadt show in Germany glue themselves near cars -- then have the chutzpah to gripe about not being able to 'go to the bathroom politely,' don't like the food Volkswagen gave them...and hated it when the carshow people turned the heat and lights off at night when the show closed. Personally, I was hoping that the Deutschers would just leave them there 'permanently' -- but at 24 hours, they were unglued and hauled off.  (P.S. Acetone, lotion, petroleum jelly, oil... that will do it.)

'Abandoned places you can visit - but probably shouldn't.' But it's okay to look at photos, at least! Including a swimming pool filled with desks, chairs and televisions. 

More than two dozen discounts for seniors at restaurants.  Kewl...I don't qualify for these, except for a few -- but the Brick does. 

The world's oldest star map is uncovered -- hiding underneath more recent text.

Have Safeway and Kroger/King Soopers decided to merge?  So much for competition that helps us here in Colorado -- and elsewhere. 

Life hacks - some clever ones here. 

Surprising discoveries in lakes. Including a bar of gold, found by a 16-year-old out for a swim! Speaking of:

Old Whitey, also known as "Grandpa" -- current resident of the Kamloops shipwreck.

Rescue an antelope -- end up with one shoe! 

A humpback whale is also entangled -- and cut loose in time. (Whew)

This is a new one -- a group of men pretending to be art students, then stealing gallery staff blind of personal items like credit cards and cellphones. Hmmm...still wrong, but creative. They're not stealing artwork, though. Double hmmm...

Boy, this appraiser really blew it -- or else, hundreds of interested buyers thought it was 18th century. (The expert thought it a 20th century reproduction.)

Tie-dye a shirt...with bleach. 

Election Deniers? Here's Kari Lake's take on the subject. P.S. I looked on Youtube -- this video is not available, that I could find. But you can watch her saying this via the link.

Here are Lake's actual words. See what you think:

KARI LAKE: Let’s talk about election deniers. Here’s 150 examples of Democrats denying election results. Look at this, this is from Joe Biden’s Press Secretary: ‘Remember Brian Kemp stole the gubernatorial election from Georgians and Stacey Abrams.’ A Democrat was saying that: is that an election denier? Oh look at this: ‘just heard Republican Ryan Costello said it would be difficult for Stacey Abrams to win because she lost her state bid, but she’s still claiming she never lost.’ Hillary Clinton: ‘Trump is an illegitimate President.’ Is she an election denier? This one says ‘Was the 2016 election legitimate? It is definitely a question worth asking.’ That was the Los Angeles Times. So it’s okay for Democrats to question elections but it’s not okay for Republicans? It’s a crock of BS, everyone knows it. We have our freedom of speech and we’re not going relinquish it to a bunch of fake news propagandists. If you want a copy of these I’m sure Anthony will help you get a copy and help you learn how to journalist but look it up. It has been happening for a long time.

Since 2000, people have questioned the legitimacy of our elections. And all we are asking is in the future we do not have to have that anymore. When I’m governor we are going to make sure we have honest elections. We want the Democrats, the Independents, and the Republicans to all know that their vote counted. We want fair, honest, and transparent elections and we are going to deliver that for the people. Hillary Clinton says ‘George W. Bush was selected president not elected.’ So if you are going to start throwing around terms like election denier, let's remember who the other election deniers were: Hillary Clinton and all the Democrats.

How 14th-century Italians outsmarted the tax collectors. It's a quickie comment, from one of my favorite actors...but very clever.

A woman survives three nights out, lost in the Colorado wilderness.   She actually rescued herself...

Two gallery owners are standing trial, ten years later, for their involvement with stolen Picasso works. (Taken allegedly by the handyman who worked at the home of Picasso's second wife's daughter. Yes, it's complicated.)

Frugal tips from the Great Depression.  (From Little House Living)

The best -- and worst -- football players from every professional franchise. (Fans' votes)

The snow crab harvesting season in the Bering Strait has been CANCELLED -- an estimated seven billion crabs have mysteriously gone missing over the past four years. Authorities are not sure why. 

Four quail eggs hatch -- while on a supermarket shelf in Brazil!  (They all died, sadly.)

Olivia Wilde's 'special salad dressing.'  (Yes, this is silly, considering the role it played in the couple's separation -- but it does sound good.)

Rose Gooding and Edith Swan -- a strange mystery of obscene letters such an odd way!

Have a good week. Don't forget to vote!

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...