Sunday, October 2, 2022

Futzing and Putzing

     I have several posts in progress... just can't seem to finish them right now.

Instead, I went out and raked mulch. Rearranged the freezer. (We stocked up on Marie Callender's chicken potpies -- absolutely one of the best lazy meals ever. Plus eggrolls and potstickers.)  Pulled a few weeds, and picked zucchini. The plants are full of babies, and I found one hidden in the leaves, working at becoming a baseball bat. (The stinker.) 

    Watched Michigan beat Iowa in college ball. (We won't talk about Colorado's Buffs getting beat. Again.) Tidied up here and there. 

     Then I peeled apples for a huge apple crisp, got a batch of leeks ready for the freezer -- and chopped up a few bunches of green onions. Made a beef saute with brown sauce, bouillon and Guinness stout, along with onions and mushrooms. Had that for supper, along with mashed potatoes, fried zucchini and the apple crisp. The Brick loved it. 

It's that homebody, bustle-around-it's-fall feeling. Either that, or I'm coming down with the flu. 

While I try to kick myself into action, here's one of the loveliest baubles ever -- and it's made from dandelion wisps, set in resin. 

A big difference from the temporary version.

It's still warm during the day, but tweaks of color on the trees, a bit more rain than usual and cool nights hint at one thing: 

Snowy weather's coming. Soon.

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