Monday, October 10, 2022

Monday Stuff On the Way to Other Stuff: Hunting

     P.S. Feeling much better, by the way.  Happy Columbus Day. 

The Brick is going hunting this week, with friends Tommy, Chris and John. 

What does that mean? 

In the past, it was gathering up umpteen outfits (most of which were never worn), checking guns, loading ammo, packing up lots of food (including several items by yours truly), then setting off with the truck jammed to the gills.

When we moved, though, the Brick was forced to jettison a lot of equipment. More was packed in the storage trailer -- which is still parked in Michigan, at The Mama's farm. (Now owned by our niece and nephew.) In many ways, this was a blessing. It meant he cut way back on the superfluous clothes he dragged along...and never wore. Now he takes what he actually wears. (And wears and wears and wears...his clothes practically stand up by themselves when he gets home.) 

     It also means I don't have to make meals that never get eaten. (The guys have a habit of going to a Mexican restaurant in the area that truly has great food.) I'll still make cookies (and maybe some muffins), but the Brick bought meat and cheese for sandwiches (expensive, but we plan for it), plus a dozen or so cans of corned beef hash, tamales, beef stew and fruit. If the guys don't eat it, it comes back. (And it's food I got on sale via Amazon Warehouse.) 

He'll take the truck -- which keeps me home. But Ruby and I will be fine: corny, romantic and (gasp!) CHRISTMAS movies while we keep weird hours and eat whatever we like.  Maybe even salads. 

And hopefully he'll bring a large, hairy friend home. Even Bigfoot would be welcome.


Want to donate to Florida post-hurricane volunteer and cleanup nonprofits? Your credit card payment will even go to the effort -- all of it. 

Hero schoolbus drivers save a little boy from a carjacker in Michigan.

Ten of the rarest books in history. 

A visit to Diddly Squat Farm Shop.  In fact, if you're a fan of Things English, read the full week's posts of  Mavis and her daughter to Great Britain. (Mavis of One Hundred Dollars A Month, you kill me...)

We've been enjoying Steve Winwood's music this past week, including his Night Train:

Another hunting-related post from yours truly. 

A moose gets tangled up in a volleyball net... in Breckenridge. No worries -- he's out and safe now. But according to the article, officers had to hold him upright until the effects of the tranquilizer wore off. I would have loved to have seen that...

The Idaho prepper family who's looking to the future. Some interesting tips here.

Pablo the goat sings along in the Animal Blessing service at Worcester Cathedral:

Funny things to ask Alexa.  (From Bored Panda)

Famous women from the British underworld in the 1950s. Fascinating. 

President Biden makes a personal phone call to thank a Coast Guard member for his service...days before he got fired for not getting the Covid vaccine.

Three-ingredient sourdough crumpets.  (From Lavender and Lovage)

Hosting a successful garage sale.  (From The Prudent Homemaker)

A huge avalanche in Nepal wipes out dozens of tents and six camps No one was hurt -- amazing.

A huge diamond almost gets thrown away.  (Its owner thought it was a fake she'd gotten at a garage sale somewhere...which she did. The second part, anyways.)

House helpers -- plus knitting instructions. An old classic from a favorite past blogger. (Where are you now, Messy Thrilling Life? I miss you.)

Attention-seekers exposed. 

Teacher comebacks.  Good for them.

Art thieves...who were retired schoolteachers!

Have a great week.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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