Thursday, October 13, 2022

I Think I Need This Today...

 The Brick left for hunting early this morning, with friends Tommy and Chris in tow.

Here's Tom, for your viewing pleasure.

It's colder. (Actually a good thing -- the animals may come down from higher altitudes.)

A pile of work awaits on the desk.

It's dead still outside...and the sky is full of mares' tails and ominous clouds. (Change of weather)

And his son Chris, doing his stuff.

Lots of *good* (snort) news around the world.  

And I'm lonesome for my sweet baby already.


At least the Brick called, just before they headed up into the mountains. All is well -- no breakdowns or weather problems. But they'll most probably be out of cellphone range for quite a while. 

It's not like I have nothing to do. Or eat. Or see. But I keep thinking:

Update:  The guys are now up in the mountains, camped and ready to head out tomorrow morning. 

So who shows up in the pasture opposite the fifth - wheel this afternoon.. and has the cojones to stroll over to the spot where the truck is normally parked? 

     That's right: deer. (The second one is just beyond camera range.) Tender, delicious venison.

This obnoxious girl was about 15 feet away from my window.

She pushed it a little too far when she strolled over to munch on my perennial bed. Ruby soon put her straight, though. 

It's as if they 'knew' that the Brick and his hunting licenses were gone for now.

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