Monday, May 1, 2023

Frugal Hits & Misses: April Report

     This is the first in a long time that I haven't had a report ready for you before the end of the month. But hey, it's been a strange month for us. Does that count? 

     We spent the first week of April on a Caribbean cruise with our dear cousins -- then a week by ourselves. Some kind soul gifted me with bronchitis on the plane ride home. I fought it the rest of the month, while getting other tasks done -- and losing my voice for a while. Maybe the Brick enjoyed that, instead of listening to me blather away. He is a quiet man himself. But whenever I don't say much for a long period, he seems to get worried. Then he tries to get me to talk. Go figure. 

     He had a touch of bronchitis himself. Guess who he caught it from? 

     At any rate, we didn't buy our 'usual,' but spent the money on 'something else' items, instead. (And many times, we just didn't spend it at all.) This month will be back to normal. But for us, that's always debatable.


*Federal taxes didn't give us a refund -- but they didn't make us pay anything, either. (We did get some from the state.) Okay with me, after all the hassles of getting our refund for 2022.

*Our cruise (actually, two back-to-back cruises) was a bargain, considering. We paid less-than-regular price for a balcony, then had $500 credited to our account. We had hoped to use the money on excursions...but had to pay for those early to get a 20% pre-cruise discount. (See -- we take this very seriously!) Tips for staff took $398, but that left $102. We splurged on a drink or two, and a few cappucinos...but still had $70 to spend by the last day. 

    Hmmm... maybe the onboard liquor store? We were pondering the shelves on the next-to-the-last evening when a salesman approached us. "Don't buy anything now," he said. "Come back tomorrow, when we've got everything on sale." So we did -- and two liter bottles of Jameson's whiskey (the best), plus one of rum were in our exit luggage. (The bottles were padded with dirty clothes, and got home just fine.) 

     Technically we should have been allowed to bring home only two liters -- but they waved us through Immigration after glancing at our photos. Yay us.

*Found a pair of flipflops discarded by someone -- just when I needed them desperately. We also found a metal screwtop water bottle, plus a larger bottle, for water and juices. 

Swimming is bliss...especially when it's snowing at your home port

*Cruise souvenirs weren't much: several blue-and-white shopping bags from San Juan, Puerto Rico and three packages of jerk seasoning from (where else) Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Hey, buy it from the place it originated in! We knew weight would be an issue (see 'Misses'), so didn't get much. More on the cruise in another post this week. 

*Thrift shop buys: a European-style pie pan; 2 pairs shorts plus 1 pair of pants (for the Brick - 3 for $15), The Hollow Crown series...and a coffeemaker, which we needed badly. (Tip: it's often cheaper to go to the thrift shop and buy a 'new' coffeemaker, rather than order a replacement carafe when it breaks. We've done this several times.) I had to walk away from a mini-muffin pan that made about 36 at a time...but it just wouldn't fit in the fifth-wheel's stove. (Besides, I don't make muffins that often.) Walked away from several tempting necklaces, too.  20% discount on everything.

*Bought a quilt top I've been admiring for more than a year on Ebay. It's called a Baltimore Album by the seller -- but is really more of a very nice applique floral sampler. No matter. I got the last one marked at a lower price; the new vesrions were at least $50 more. I guess that counts for something.

I also bought a set of Ruby McKim Bible History embroidered blocks for pennies more than $50 -- and some random quilt blocks for about $1.50 each. (I think my quiltmaking juices are starting to percolate a bit.)

*Found a penny in the washing machine -- and another one elsewhere. (I also noticed a dime and two pennies at DIA -- but the TSA woman was standing on them. Aargh.)

*Walked away from some grocery deals because we were moving -- I didn't want to lug the extras. (And we didn't need eggs.) Plus -- my friend could use the free coupon (cream cheese) I was going to have to waste. I still haven't been back for groceries, except to Sam's Club. Even that bill was frugal -- for us, anyways. I did get some pound jars of peanut butter, plus a few loaves of bread, for 99 cents each. (King Soopers

*The bread, plus cheese and sliced turkey from the freezer, along with some leftover romaine, made sandwiches at the airport. It was good, too.

All women should know how to whip up a good sandwich at short notice.

*Used up some old eggs, a wrinkled pepper, an onion -- breakfast burritos for the freezer.

Finished a huge appraisal report. (I now have fixes to do -- plus more items to add.) Did some more appraisals, as well.

*Did a speaking gig - on the history of Crazies, with a little Hanky Panky thrown in. Went great!  Sold a bunch of books, too. (Guild members, if you want to order more books, we'll throw in free shipping. Just leave me a message in comments.)

*Royalties came through from Colorado Curiosities, plus Ghosts & Legends. I get these twice a year -- always welcome. 

*Waterproof fanny packs and cellphone bags: $7 each from Amazon. Padded backpacks: $17 each. We used snorkeling equipment and moneybelts we already had.

*Bought three Red Robin $25 gift cards -- and got three $5 bonus bucks cards thrown in. I also sold a big chunk of RR stock, just before it dropped. We had lunch there to take advantage of a free burger on my account. (Buy 10, get 1 free)

*On sale: sets of solar lights (Amazon) and a Bronco's t-shirt for a birthday. (Daughter #1's partner doesn't read this blog, so I dare write this.)

 *Ruby spent a few weeks with friends, who spoiled her rotten. They lost their own dog last year, and she inspired them so much that she became 'Aunt Ruby' to a puppy. (Considering the things he's already chewed on, and  lack of sleep, due to nighttime activities, I hope they eventually forgive us! )

*The Brick watched our friend's dog, Yoda, while she was at the retreat with me. (See below) This little dog was gracious about her 'new' names, including 'Yodie-Pie' and 'The Squirtinator.' (A bag of cookies was a yum reward.)


*Missed our friends' wedding -- we were still on the ship. (Sent the kids a gift card.) We missed out on a proper celebration of Easter, too... though the ship's buffet did feature roast piglet. 

Congratulations, Ana!!!

*Had to buy sandals during the cruise. I thought I'd grabbed the pair I wore all last summer, when packing -- instead, I got a new pair that never fit properly. After giant blisters and limping for days, I finally found a pair of flipflops -- and bought a pair of Crocs in Puerto Rico. Problem solved.

*We went on several expeditions sponsored by the cruise ship. It cost a bit more-- but we were concerned about missing the ship. (We did get a 20% discount by ordering early.)

*Left some clothes behind on the ship.(They were worn and stained, anyways. The nasty sandals got ditched, too.) We'd only paid for one checked piece of luggage, and liquor is heavy. The Brick ended up wearing a couple layers of shirts -- I did the same. It wasn't too unbearable.

*Had a 10-hour wait at Miami International on the way home -- the price you pay for redeye flights, and rock-bottom airfare. 

*Cleaned, cleaned and cleaned some more. It took a long time, but our friends' house was sparkling after we got done. (Actually cleaner than when we moved in, last November.) But now we have the fifth-wheel to scrub and tidy up. (The good part about all this shuffling around: we relocated several items we'd thought lost.)

*Still no Red Robin bonus bucks from the Christmas purchase of giftcards. I'll keep pestering them. Lesson to self: buy the gift cards AT THE RESTAURANT. That way, they have to give you the bonus bucks cards at the same time.

*The unclaimed money is still on hold - I found a site,, that said we had some coming, and applied. But now they want 'proof.'  How in the world do I 'prove' this should have been paid to us, when I'm not even certain why or what it's for? (All were companies we had business dealings with, so I'm pretty sure the claims are valid.)

*An emergency room visit in Miami for the Brick. We just got the final bill: $34,000 for approx. 7 hours. And no serious actions or tests. Thankfully he recovered in time to board the ship. And thank God Medicare is paying it. But still...

*Went on a weekend women's retreat. I rarely do this. (Usually a gig interferes.) Other than still recovering from bronchitis, it was actually a lot of fun. But cheap? Naaah. I did, however, bring home a wearable t-shirt, a bouquet of fresh flowers -- and some leftover rice and tortilla shells that were being thrown out. 

     The Brick heads out for one next week. Men's retreat, that is. Somehow, I highly doubt the guys will do manicures and braid hair for each other...but you never know. 

Last month's report is here. Or you may prefer 2022's April report, instead. (Here's 2021's, for that matter.) On to May -- and spring.

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Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

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