Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Frugal Hits & Misses: May Report

    Compared to past years, we've had a surprisingly quiet month. I'm not sure exactly why -- but both of us seemed to crave quiet days and evenings. Unless it was important (or a client appraisal session), we generally limited our 30-minute trips to town just on Sundays. Even then, we'd fit in an errand or two before heading home. 

     It definitely paid off. We're regularly spending less than we're bringing in -- and that means more saved for projects looming in the near-future. We're not at the point that we don't have a penny to spare. We're also not afraid to go out to eat, or buy something slightly more upscale. (Like the kitchen faucet mentioned below, which was a very expensive piece -- if the Brick had paid retail, instead of ordering it via Amazon's Warehouse Deals. More than $250 saved - and it has a lifetime guarantee.) 

Sure, we could pay full price for a movie...but there's nothing we're aching to see. (Except maybe John Wick 4 -- that can wait for the small screen.) I can easily make a steak dinner or a fancy breakfast. It would taste just as good -- if not better -- than a restaurant version. And the Brick generally does the dishes! 

   Like others,  I enjoy cataloguing the especially good Hits in our life. But I also enjoy watching our credit card bills go down -- and our bank account up. I think we're going to stick to a quiet life for a while. Meanwhile, I'll continue to save for the next cruise or overseas trip.


*Rain -- lots of rain. Far more than we usually get. Wonderful.

*Plants on sale at Lowe's: the Memorial Day sale had hanging planters 2 for $20, perennials 2 for $10, and herbs 3 for $12. Got some tomatoes, too...and flowers for the girlies. (10% discount, because the Brick is a veteran.) I filled in with Walmart flowers for our friends' whiskey barrel planters and front deck, and made a little display by our lounge chairs. Warning: the perennials rang up at their regular price: $8.98. I had to go back days later to get this corrected. Make sure you check your receipts!

      I'm also rooting cuttings in water for new plants -- including geraniums and petunias. Tomatoes might be next. (Here's a helpful link.)

*Planted a small garden. Beans are in the 'garden tunnel' I got a few months ago -- so the silly deer don't eat them. (The deer already munched down a geranium I planted, though they ignored the marigolds and dianthus. The stinkers.) I put in a lot of greens, hopefully enough for both them and us. The tomatoes should be okay, and I deliberately bought herbs the deer don't care for: rosemary and lavender. (The oregano will have to take its chances.) I'll plant basil in a pot kept close to the fifth-wheel, and hope for the best.

It's still a bit more than $30 -- what I paid for it. A good deal, if it works.

*Took a few extra surveys, saved up my daily points-- and got a $25 giftcard for roughly $21.75 in Swagbucks. It's an early Father's Day present for the Brick. (You can do this, too -- and if you go through this link, you give me a little boost, as well. It's free, easy to do, and the points rack up quickly.)

*Sent in an order for free medical supplies. Every three months, we get an allowance for this via the Brick's Medicare plan. (Soon we'll be able to do it for me, too!)

*Soup from a friend -- and we took crackers and beer to a fajitas meal invite from friends.

*The Brick moved the birdfeeder outside the fifth-wheel. The birds have been having fun tussling over it -- and nearly flying into our window. In fact, we've been treated to "the Brick menagerie:" birds at the feeder, a wild turkey picking up seed underneath -- and a group of deer grazing nearby. I put the hummingbird feeder up as well, so they can get in on the fun.

Move on. Nothin' to see...


*Bought a painting! Walter Dendy Sadler's work reminded me so much of the Augustus Egg story paintings I lived with, when I was a grad student. (They were on the walls of the home I took care of; Egg was a well-known Victorian painter...and a friend of Dickens.)  

At least I can live with and enjoy this piece: 'A Little Mortgage.' Thanks to some negotiation, it was at a price I could afford.

You can see a collection of Egg's work here. Here are some of Sadler's works -- he's quite a droll artist. Researching him was a lot of fun. 

*The Brick fixed a bunch of things, including replacing the screen on the front door (that Ruby roared through one day), replacing the kitchen faucet with a much nicer version (works better now) and fixing a very persistent leak on the kitchen sink. He also replaced an exterior outlet that a bird was insisting could include her nest. (Final score, after much fussing and yanking twigs out: Brick 1, Mama Bird 0.) He helped overhaul our friends' tractor, and spent 5+ hours mowing their very large property. Two mowings in less than 3 weeks? Thank the rain. 

    He also drove regularly for a local church that helps adults with disabilities, and did several errands for the pastor and his wife. (Yes, he is that kind of thoughtful guy.)

*Grocery buys:  free Pop-Tarts; 99-cent bags of tomatoes, apples and limes** (King Soopers); 97-cent half-gallon milk and 8 oz Swiss cheese slices; 4-for-$19.99 meats (originally $9-14 each), with an additional 30% off. (Safeway); $3.55 roast chickens and several other marked-down items (Walmart - just happened to stop by at just the right time). I made a pact with myself to use up canned goods, and start clearing out the freezer -- so I honestly haven't shopped much. (One of the Easter hams has been our main source of protein all month.) Fresh veggies, other than sale stuff, have taken a side step. This will change as fresh summer produce comes into play.

**Getting 4-6 pieces in a bag, instead of 1 or 2, is okay with me! The tomatoes were especially welcome, and lasted nearly all month.

*Made bread, cinnamon rolls, apple crisp and cookies. The oven's heat kept the trailer warm, and I didn't buy as many of these items. 

*FINALLY got the Red Robin $25 bonus bucks credit I should have had back in December. Only it's $20, not $25. Hey, it only took 5 or 6 tries... we also took advantage of a BOGO 50% special.

*Gave away a few books. 

*Some appraisals done -- and several large reports close to finished. It's always a relief to get these taken care of.

*The Brick went on a men's retreat for our original church - Creekside Bible. He especially enjoyed the shooting matches. (We have a lot of hunters around here.)

*Put stuff in the Amazon cart -- took it out. Put stuff in...took it out.

*BOGO sale at the library used book room. Videos and adult books for a buck...or $1.50 ? Kids' books 25 cents each? Yes, please! Not only did I get several items for us, but some baby shower presents. The present box is restocked, as well. I spent more than usual this month, but it was worth it.

*Thrift shop buys: a Father's Day present for the Brick. (I've been dying to give it to him early, but have resisted, so far.) Branded, seasons #1 and #2, which makes it the complete series -- $5 each. Three t-shirts, quality brands $5 and $7 -- except they were 50% off that price. (A few dresses were also 50% off. One of those went to a friend.) A bunch of 50-cent birthday cards. A 'new,' badly-needed leather purse $8, with five chapsticks (and a condom!!) hidden inside. (10-20% taken off the total, as well, because I'm considered a senior now.)

That Chuck -- what a cutie.

Mother's Day goodies:  The kids were very kind. I loved a beautiful tulip bouquet and a huge chocolate bar, pea and dahlia plants -- and a travel mug emblazoned with Bigfoot carrying a Colorado motif. (Weird, but cute). A favorite book, and a pretty little triple vase. (See it above.) We were also treated to a lovely supper by the kids.   The sweethearts.


*Library books and DVDs are checked out now for THREE MONTHS. (Okay, that's actually a Hit.) Our old library has closed, and is moving into the new building directly in front of it. The new library will open in late August. That's all well and good, but I have been using the study rooms to meet appraisal clients. Either my schedule's going to slow wayyy down (it often does in the summer months), or I have to find a new meeting place.

*The library returned cash I'd accidentally left in a book -- sooo nice of them! (I sent a card and a little present as thanks for helping this doofus.)

*The phone bill went up -- considerably. We've got a beefy insurance bill hovering in the wings. The Brick negotiated the bill down for the phone -- as well as Sirius, which quietly tried to QUADRUPLE our monthly charge. (It didn't work.)

April's report is here, and May's report from last year is here. And May 2021, too. 

And now for a (hopefully) calm summer that's not tooo hot.


Tommy said...

Blah blah blah, whatever....

Cindy Brick said...

Regarding what, Mr. SmartyPants?

(Thanks for writing. I guess...)

Monday Stuff on the Way to Other Stuff: Work Work Work

 Then play? We'll see, once these reports are in the mail. (Stand by next week for a big announcement in the life of the Bricks. Yes, be...